Chapter 13

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"Lauryn" Billy yelled as he entered the abandoned factory. There he saw a dimly lit staircase leading to a basement.

Lauryn sprinted up the stairs grabbing Billy's arm.

"We have to go" Lauryn yelled running as fast as her legs could. She hopped into the passenger seat screaming at Billy.

"Drive to the nearest phone booth" Lauryn yelled. She was breathing heavy.

"Lauryn what the hell happened are you okay?" Billy asked trying to examine the girl as he pulled up in front of the phone. Lauryn ignoring Billy kicked out the passenger door and ran inside, dialing 911.

The phone booth lights flickered and suddenly Lauryn wasn't in Hawkins anymore. She found herself in the Upside Down.

She frantically exited the phone booth. "Billy" she called out but he wasn't anymore to be found.

Instead an army of people marched their way closer to her. "Hello?" She yelled but they didn't responded. They seemed unfazed by her existence in this realm. One out of the group walks closer, it seems to be the leader. Lauryn is able to make out the face as it exits the foggy layer.

A clone of Lauryn approaches her "do what you see" was all it said before Lauryn was flashed back to Hawkins.

"What" she yelled unsure of where she was. Billy grasping on to her as they stood in the middle of the street.

"Lauryn what's wrong?" He asked. She looked around unsure of the tricks her mind was playing. He escorted her back to the car before driving away.

Billy took Lauryn to his house trying to treat the cuts and bruises she had because of his reckless driving.

"I'm so sorry Lauryn. Babe? hey are you okay?" Billy frantically asked. Lauryn was sweating and seemed dazed, sitting on the edge of Billy's bed staring blankly at the wall.

"Billy I'm fine. I just need sleep" Lauryn said trying to convince herself as well. She laid her head on the cool pillow pulling Billy's sheet up to her neck before drifting into a slumber.

Lauryn awoke to the sound of Billy shuffling around the room.

"Hey" Lauryn said blinking a few times as the light peeking through the blinds bothered her eyes. She leaned on her forearm staring at Billy.

"How you feeling?" He asked but decided not to give her a chance to answer, instead he expressed his apologies. "Look Lauryn, I don't know how many times you want to hear I'm sorry, but I'll say it as many times as you need" Billy began. He positioned himself at the foot of the bed rubbing Lauryn's leg.

"Billy" she softly said lunging into his lap nestling her head into the crook of his neck. He stroked her back while she clung to him.

"Come to work with me. Just so I can keep an eye on today" Billy explained. Lauryn shook her head okay. She was feeling slightly woozy still but didn't want to concern Billy.

The two headed out, Lauryn wearing the same bathing suit from yesterday while Billy was in his Hawkins Lifeguard uniform.

"So after work I'll take you to dinner. Make up my shitty mistakes" Billy said gripping Lauryn's thigh. She smiled but didn't answer.

"I know I screwed up big time. I promise it won't happen again" Billy said before focusing back on the drive. Lauryn had never heard the words I promise come out of his mouth before. She was put at ease hearing those two words.

"Dinner sounds great" Lauryn said before resting her head against the cool window.

The drive was excruciating for Lauryn, the sun beaming through the window was making her all hot and uncomfortable. When the finally pulled into a spot Lauryn rushed to a lounge chair.

"Okay I'll be watching you. Just enjoy the sun" Billy said kissing Lauryn's forehead. Billy took post at the lifeguard stand while Lauryn tried to enjoy the sun.

Lauryn, however, found herself uncomfortable. She felt like her skin was burning, something she's never experienced before.

She tried to stay in the sun as long as possible but soon found herself feeling dizzy, sweating like crazy and her leg burning. She hopped off the lounger staggering towards the locker room.

Billy tried to follow after her but Heather instructed Billy couldn't enter the female locker room.

"I'll go in and check on her" Heather offered.

Lauryn ran to the showers turning on the blast of cool water. She cried in agony as the burning pain continued.

"Lauryn?" Heather called out. She approached the shower where she Lauryn crawled up into a ball, rocking back and forth with her hair tangled between her fingers.

"Lauryn" Heather repeated. Lauryn looked up facing the familiar face.

"Take me to him" Heather said. Lauryn believing her mind was playing tricks blinked and opened her eyes again. This time hearing Heather say "are you okay? Billy's worried. Do you need an ambulance?"

Heather helped Lauryn up out of the shower escorting her outside.

"Billy she's not looking good. Take her home" Heather said.

Billy grabbed Lauryn carrying her bridal style.

"I'll come check on her later" Heather said to Billy who was carrying Lauryn to the car. She was burning up and looked paler than before.

"Lauryn do you think you have the flu?" Billy asked feeling her forehead as he drove her home.

The only person at Lauryn's house was Troy. Billy knocked on the door until the child came to the door.

"Billy" Troy said high-fiving Billy. Billy gave him a quick smile before explaining the situation.

"Your sister is really sick. You think you can watch her until I get off my shift. Heather said she should be stopping by soon" Billy explained. Troy shrugged his shoulders and said okay.

Billy brought the girl upstairs to her room placing a cool washcloth on her forehead. "I'll be back" Billy whispered. Troy went back to his room to play his video game.

A few hours later Heather stopped by to check on Lauryn. Lauryn strangled the girl before dragging her to her car where she discarded her in the trunk. She then drove back to the old factory where her and Billy got in an accident.

This will be my last update until I'm sure I want to continue this story. It's gotten some views over the last few days but I haven't received feedback. Let me know what you think so far and if you want anything to be changed!

My Brother's Enemy • Billy Hargrove FanficWhere stories live. Discover now