Chapter 22*

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Lauryn watched from the random seat on the bleachers as Chrissy Cunningham lead the pep rally cheer. The cheerleads threw a few stunts and tumbles before the marching band played a song. 

"Lets hear it for your Tigers!" the principal announced as the varsity Hawkins High school basketball team ran into the gym. Everyone cheered in happiness, expect for a few students, Lauryn included. Billy Hargrove the captain, broke through the paper sign, leading the team onto the middle of the gym floor.

Lauryn watched as Lucas awkwardly stood next to his teammates, smiling. 

"Good morning, Hawkins High" Billy  greeted in the mic. The audience once again erupted into cheers. "First off... Hey. First off, I'd like to thank each and every one of you. Without your support, we wouldn't be here. Give yourself a big hand"

Everyone seemed to mindlessly cheer at every word Billy said. 

"And of course, of course I have to give a big shout out to the best and the prettiest fans of all time, The Tiger cheer squad. Chrissy. Chrissy, I love you, babe" Billy continued, looking Chrissy right in the eyes. Lauryn couldn't help but roll her eyes as Chrissy threw Billy a kiss and a wink. 

Billy cheesily smiled before backing up and getting slightly serious. "You know, I think I can speak for all of us when I say it's been a tough year for Hawkins. So much loss. And sometimes I wonder "How much loss can one community take?" In dark days like this, we need something to believe in. So last night, when we were down by ten points down at half to Christian Academy, I looked at my team, and said " Think of Jack. Think of Melissa. Think of Heather", "Think about our heroic police chief, Jim Hopper. Think about  everyone of our friends who perished in that fire. What did they die for? For us to lose to some... some crap school?" Billy shouted

"No!" the crowed shouted back. 

"For us to return home with our heads hung low in defeat? No!"

"No!" students once more shouted.

"No. Let's win this game. Let's win this game for them. And that's exactly what we did!" The crowed erupted into loud cheers and applauds, Billy smiled at the crowed.  "We embarrassed those candy-asses in their own house, and now tonight, tonight we're gonna bring home the championship trophy!" Billy shouted in happiness before rejoining the team as they hyped each other up. 

The pep rally was then concluded and everyone was instructed to head to their regular classes. Lauryn threw her backpack over her left shoulder before pushing her way off of the bleachers. She headed to science were she sat in the back. 

Billy and a few guys on the team wandered in after the bell chatting and laughing as they made their way inside. The teacher, celebrating the championship game tonight, smiled and silently cheered at the guys as they sat down in their seat. 

"Okay class, since spring break is starting tomorrow I figured we would take a break today. Open your book to page 180 and read to the end of the chapter" the teacher instructed. Lauryn pulled out her hardcover textbook before a knock from the door caused her to look up. 

"Ms. Kelly can I help you?" the science teacher asked. Lauryn knew this was about her. 

"My apologies. Can I have Ms. Harrington" she asked smiling. 

"Oh, yes. Lauryn you are excused" the teacher said. Lauryn slightly embarrassed quickly gathered her things into her bag before rushing out of the classroom with her head hung low. She could see Billy's eyes just momentarily look at her before focusing back on talking to his teammates. 

Lauryn followed Ms. Kelly to her office where the two sat down. "So, how's you grades?" she asked looking at the report which had just came out. "So, a C+ in english. I guess we are making progress from the D you got last quarter. You know this isn't you" 

"If you say so" Lauryn muttered causing Ms. Kelly to clear her throat. 

"How's your parents doing?"

"You mean the separation. Fine. My dad sleeps in the basement and we act like we are still one big happy family. I mean you know at least for Hawkins since my dad's business would cease to exist if people found out the truth and my mother could possibly lose her social status with her friends" Lauryn sarcastically rambled. Ms. Kelly sighed once more. 

"Lauryn, you seem to have a lot of unspoken words on your situation. You can tell me" 

"I'm telling you I'm fine. I stopped staying out late and I sleep normally now"

"Lauryn, it's okay not to be okay. I want you to be open with me if you can. 

"I'm being open. People change, I'm changing" Lauryn said as the bell rang. She quickly gathered her things and rushed out the door, rushing into the closest bathroom. It was dimly lit and extremely disgusting making it the least popular bathroom. As she stared at herself in the mirror she could someone gagging into a toilet. Lauryn looked at the end stall to find Chrissy hunched over. 

"Do... are you okay?" Lauryn asked. Chrissy weakly responded back with a yes. Lauryn not wanting to be a pester, having her own problems to worry about how she was going to spend the rest of the school day before she was able to leave this hell hole for a whole week. 

Lauryn began to walk back to class as students exited the cafeteria from lunch. "Lauryn!" a voice shouted. She turned around to find Dustin approached her. 

"Uh, Dustin, can I help you?" Lauryn asked looking around slightly embarrassed to be talking to a freshman. 

"Yes, Mike and I need a filler for Hellfire tonight"

"No! Are you fucking kidding me Henderson? I'm not hanging out with that freak Munson" Lauryn asked all outraged. She turned around continuing to walk down the hall. Dustin ran in front of her, "please. I'll do your homework for the rest of the school year" Dustin offered. Lauryn stopped walking, enticed by his offer. 

"A's right?" Lauryn asked. Dustin shook his head yes with a gummy smile. Lauryn couldn't believe she was about to say "Yes, fine. I'll come, but you tell a soul. You'll be dead" Lauryn quietly threatened before heading to her last class of the day. 

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