Chapter 32

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"Okay, this is so embarrassing but don't mind the mess" Lauryn muttered as she jimmied the lock on the back sliding glass door. She was expecting it to look the exact same as it was in the real world. A hot mess.

"So this is what the Harrington house looks like" Eddie muttered to himself looking around at the backyard and stuff. Although the upside down didn't do it justice, Eddie could imagine it in its glory days. The parties where almost all of Hawkins High would gather. The pool people raved about in the fall during cold nights. The woods people would sneak out into. It all made sense.

"Uh, yeah. Look my parents have been doing... some remodeling so... just don't look too much and follow me upstairs" Lauryn stated as she slid the door open. She stepped inside, watching her step around the vines when she stopped in her tracks.

The house was spotless, at least for being in the upside down. The kitchen wall wasn't missing a section from when her mom threw a frying pan, barely missing her dad's head. The decor wasn't all broken and gone. The house wasn't messy for the lack of cleaning.

The old couch which was far too uncomfortable to sleep on was still in the living room. Despite being sold almost a year ago for the sleeper her dad had bought to sneak out to at night when he thought no one was up. It was eventually moved to the basement amongst other things like the safe.

This house, however,  was back to its original state, the 1983 version of it at least.

"Mess? This place is spotless. Didn't you see my trailer?" Eddie questioned making Billy look at Lauryn confused as to why she had been in his trailer.

"Let's not get into that" Lauryn warned Billy before shuffling around the room. "No, I'm telling you things are different. My mom threw a frying pan at my dad. It made a huge hole that my dad 'tried to repair' but in reality made worse. And the couch. We sold this couch back in 84. My dad lives in the basement on cheap sleeper sofa"

"What are you talking about?" Billy asked all confused.

"My parents are separated. Been for a while. They are divorcing after spring break but that won't change a thing. We'll pretend that we are the perfect family... this doesn't even matter right now" Lauryn ranted running down the stairs to find the safe not there. She sprinted back up to the main level before heading to her room on the second floor.

Eddie and Billy followed after her.

"Holy shit. This is your room?" Eddie asked noticing the militant look.

"Was. This is my room from '83" Lauryn explained. She ran to the dresser shuffling around the drawer for her Walkman. "Fuck. I didn't buy it yet" Lauryn sighed, falling back into the neatly made bed. The vines barely covered the window, which showcased a raging storm outside.

"Look, let's just get to Nancy's and meet with the others" Eddie suggested looking around at Lauryn's room more. Billy, however, was trying to figure out who Lauryn Harrington was. The Lauryn at least before he came to Hawkins.

"Math club?" Billy asked pointing to the yearbook photo from freshman year.

"Skipped eighth went to ninth. Thought I would make friends joining the math club. Oh how wrong I was" Lauryn expressed, reflecting on what a poor choice that was.

"You seem happy here" Billy commented looking at the photos around her room. Lauryn scoffed.

"I was mentally abused by my parents. My siblings hated me. I hated myself for not being better when in all honest there wasn't much more I could do to be better. I was a fool. I'm still a fool. For believing that this - this mess is going to be fixed. El is gone, powers or not. I'm doomed and maybe it's for the best" Lauryn said, holding back the tears before carefully running down the stairs outside to the backyard, sitting in the only chair that didn't have vines on it. She looked out into the woods, wishing she could change it all.

She closed her eyes, letting the stress release from her body. When she opened her eyes she found herself in 1983, Steve's party. The upside down had vanished.

Lauryn stood up to find Nancy and Steve swimming the pool. Tommy and Carol were making out in the chair next to her. She jumped up, startled. It was then she saw her younger self walk out with the case of beer. The two couples swiftly headed inside to dry off and the younger Lauryn began to clean up. Once the bag was filled, she headed to the side of the house leaving the backyard to discard the bag.

Present day Lauryn watched as Barb came out. Sitting on the diving board. The blood dripped from her hand. In a swift second the demogorgon snuck in, taking Barb with it. Lauryn sprinted after it. Calling out Barb's name.

She followed her into the hole. On the other side was Vecna.

"You caused this, Barb's death. You caused it all. You'll be the reason for the devastation that's to come. Whether you're dead or alive" Vecna threatened before Lauryn was brought back to reality. Eddie and Billy were hovering over her, both of them freaking out.

"Oh thank god" Billy sighed, grabbing Lauryn in a hug.

"We have to get to Nancy's and quick. Something bad is coming" Lauryn warned. She rushed into the garage, pulling out the scooter and bike which had been tucked away.

"Dibs on the bike" Billy called out. Eddie rolled his eyes accepting the scooter. Lauryn hopped on the pegs on the back wheel, riding with Billy. The door was manually opened and the three headed out.

Would you like to see chapter A & B from now on with different love interests? A would be Billy as the love interest and B would be Eddie. The two would remain the same storyline just different character interactions and such. Example Chapter 33 A and 33 B. They would be written similarly just with some differences. I would publish A & B at the same time. Or one storyline with one love interest? Comment below!

My Brother's Enemy • Billy Hargrove FanficWhere stories live. Discover now