Chapter 8

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Billy parked in the driveway and told Lauryn to come through the window. Lauryn could hear the sounds of yelling from the outside. It also sounded like plates were crashing and breaking amongst other things.

Lauryn wondered if this was why the house remained barren, only filled with what they deemed necessary.

Billy opened the window and helped pull Lauryn inside.

"Your ah dad isn't going to come in here right?" Lauryn quietly asked. Billy shook his head no and closed the window.

Lauryn stood still not sure of what to do.

"Here you look like you need this" Billy said handing her a bottle of whiskey. Lauryn hesitantly took it flicking the cap off and taking a shot. The alcohol burned her throat but it also calmed her nerves.

Lauryn took two more shots enjoying the burn and sting of the alcohol as it crept down her throat.

"Woah you'll be drunk before we even get to the party" Billy said grabbing the bottle from her. She pouted wrapping her arms over her chest.

Billy let out a chuckle as he threw on his leather jacket. He had changed into a maroon button down with half the buttons undone. He quickly sprayed himself with cologne shimming some down his pants before giving himself a wink.

"You're so full of yourself. You know that?" Lauryn sarcastically said.

It was then that footsteps could be heard coming down the hall. Lauryn's eyes filled with panic while Billy just rolled his eyes.

Billy quickly shoved Lauryn into the closet motioning for her not to say a peep. He then turned back around lighting a fresh cigarette.

"Billy" Susan yelled.

"I'm busy Susan" Billy yelled back. Lauryn tried to calm her breathing but she was beginning to feel the alcohol she had consumed early. A wave of disorientation taking over.

"Billy open this damn door" His father yelled. He leapt at Billy pinning him to the wall.

"Maxine hasn't come home yet" Susan softly said. You could hear the worry in her voice.

"I honestly don't know. I just got home. Shouldn't you two be watching here not me. If she wants to run away let her" Billy countered.

"What,did, we, talk about" his father asked taking breathes in between each word.

Lauryn could see through the crack of the closet door what was taking place. 

"Respect and responsibility" Billy responded back with.

"Now apologize to Susan"

Billy took a long pause before obeying his father's orders.

"Sorry Susan"

"It's okay Neil really-" Susan began but Neil cut her off. Lauryn was becoming increasingly scared despite being in the closet.

"NO ITS NOT okay. Nothing about his behavior is okay" Neil said. Lauryn couldn't understand where Neil was coming from, if anything she could completely understand how Billy felt. It wasn't the siblings responsibility to take care of them it was the parents.

"He's going to make up for his behavior. He's going to cancel whatever plans he had with whatever whore and go find his sister. Like the good, kind, respecting brother he is. Isn't that right? ISNT THAT RIGHT?"

"Yes sir" Billy responded back with softly.

"I couldn't hear you" His father spat back.

"Yes sir" Billy struggled saying it louder than before. Billy's dad left closing the door behind him. Billy our of anger broke down in tears throwing things against the wall.

"Hey" Lauryn said grabbing him in a hug. She knew he needed comforting in this moment not matter how badass he acted.

He sobbed for another moment before he stiffened up back to being a badass.

"Let's just go find her so we can go to the party" Billy said. At this point Billy didn't even care if his dad knew he had brought back Lauryn, the two swiftly exited the house hoping in Billy's Camaro.

Lauryn was beginning to truly feel the effects of her three big shots of whiskey. Billy pulled into the arcade quickly running inside to find Max.

Lauryn looked through glove box hoping to find something to help her. It was then she felt a mini bottle of alcohol. Not having good judgement at the moment Lauryn swigged the whole bottle down in one go.

Discarding it as Billy got back in the car.

"Lauryn what the hell" Billy said looking at the empty bottle.

"It's just alcohol, I'll steal some from my dad for you" Lauryn slurred. Billy could only laugh in this moment as he was enjoying the sassy, drunk side of Lauryn.

He pulled out of the arcade and drove to the next location, the wheelers. Lauryn was told to stay in the car as Billy ran in.

She could see Mrs.Wheeler open the front door. She hadn't been to Nancy's house in the longest time. She use to sleepover every other weekend but it all eventually stopped as they got older.

Lauryn bored turned on the radio popping her head to Metallica. Billy came back empty handed.

"Mrs.Wheeler said the kids were at Byer's. You know where that is?" Billy asked. He then realized Lauryn had turned the music on.

"Yeah it's in the woods practically" Lauryn commented. Billy let out a smile seeing the girl carefree.

Billy tapped his fingers against the steering wheel as he drove. Occasionally looking at Lauryn, seeing her happy made him happy.

Is the Billy Hargrove falling for Lauryn Henderson?

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