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~Melo's POV~

By the time we got Liam his cake and back to the venue my mans was slumped in his car seat

Mel: "I'll carry him" she said as she opened her car door

"Nah I got it" I said as I watched her smile at me

Mel: "you do know that there's no where for him to lay down in there right?"

"Yeah, I'll hold him til he wakes up" I said as I picked him up

Mel: "you good?" She asked me as she closed the car door and grabbed the keys from me to lock it

I nodded my head as we walked back inside the venue

Truth was I felt bad.

Liam is a damn handful and I hate seeing her running around like a chicken with her damn head cut off tryna get him to behave

Sometimes I feel like I trapped her and wasted her damn life away; like sometimes I just look at her and imagine how far she could've gotten in life if she would've never came to Australia with me.

Mel: "dude" she said waving her hand in front of my face

"Huh?" I asked snapping out of my thoughts

Mel: "you've been standing in the doorway for like ever"

"Oh!" I said as we walked toward our table

The entire night went by in a big blur since I was filled with so much guilt

I knew Mel wanted a big wedding and all the over the top stuff jaden and Gelo had but instead she settled for a small ceremony with just me and my mother.

Mel: "I'm driving cause something wrong with you" she said as she stood up


Mel: "the reception is over, jaden and Gelo left back to their hotel, everyone's leaving" she laughed

"Oh shit" I said as I looked around seeing everybody gather their things and head for the door

I hadn't even noticed that Liam was STILL sleep

This meant he was about to be up ALL night

Mel: "so what up with you?" She asked as we got in the car

"I feel bad"

Mel: "like upset stomach?"

"No like guilty type bad"

Mel: "why?" She asked with a raised eyebrow as she started the car

"I feel like I trapped you in this life you never asked for"

Mel: "I have no clue what that means"

"Like just imagine how much further in life you'd be if you didn't come with me overseas. You would have graduated on time, you wouldn't have to run around with liam-"

Mel: "imma stop you right there buddy, I went with you because I WANTED to; that was MY decision. Liam...he was YOUR decisions but he's the best one you've EVER made and just because you my husband now doesn't mean you're not still my best friend. Truthfully the only reason I believe Liam is a lil out of hand is because he was born into a family of pure love like Lavar loved your mother so damn much he gave her 3 kids, you and your brothers are super close, and we love each other probably a little too much, now we have a kid who has generations of love in his system and he doesn't know how to act."

I had to laugh at her last statement because it made no sense

"Yeah I don't think that's it but okay" I laughed

Mel: "well that's the explanation I'm sticking with" she replied with laughter as she kept driving

I looked in the back seat at Liam who was just waking up

Liam: "are we home yet?"

Mel: "almost"

Liam: "okay" he said as he closed his eyes again

I stared at Mel the whole way home

I don't know how I got so lucky

The Perfect Life~ a lamelo ball love storyWhere stories live. Discover now