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~Melo's POV~

We've been standing at the alter for about 30 minutes now and jaden still hasn't come out.

They sent her mom to go to all to her AND her sisters but they said she isn't budging

I looked at Mel who was standing on the opposite side since she was one of jaden's bridesmaids

Mel: "where is she?" She mouthed to me

I shrugged my shoulders as I looked into the crowd

My moms face looked confused as she handed Liam and zoey a juice box

Gelo: "I'm started to get worried bro, like what if she changed her mind?" He quietly asked me and Zo

Zo: "Let Mel talk to her, I don't know what she be saying but she's a master at persuasion. She's the sole reason Denise moved to New Orleans with me"

Gelo nodded and went over to mel

Once he told her what he needed she nodded and politely excused herself

"Now if she can't get jaden out here THEN you might wanna start worrying"

~Melina's POV~

Gelo: " I need you to go see what's taking jaden so long, I think the whole Izzy situation made her rethink this wedding"

I nodded and politely excused my self

I waited till the guest could no longer see me then I took my heels off and ran like hell to the room where jaden was

"Girl why are you not out there?!" Semi yelled as I bust into the room

Jaden: "I don't know if I can deal with this"

"The wedding ceremony?"

Jaden: "no this drama"

I rolled my eyes

"Look at me and listen closely, does this family have a lot of drama? Yes but so does every other one. You know what makes this family special?"

She shook her head no

"We're ALWAYS on your side and to be fair Gelo didn't invite her Denise did, he had no idea she was even coming until you told him."

I watched as she huffed

"Liangelo is the sweetest person I know he wouldn't have brought you this far if he had bad intentions, I promise. He's one person I can fully say will put your needs in front of his; back when we were kids I broke lavars favorite trophy and Gelo took the blame, he was on punishment for 2 whole months but not once did he snitch and the only thing he asked for In return was for me NOT to break anything else"

Jaden: "why would he do that?" She laughed

"I was on my third strike and my mom had told me if I did anything else I wouldn't be able to go to Melo's party at splash castle; he knew me and Melo would've been hella sad if That happened since we've ALWAYS spent our birthdays together so he saved me from the last strike" I shrugged

Jaden: "do you think I'm doin the right thing?"

"By sitting there and making the poor boy wait?"

Jaden: "NO! By marrying him" she laughed

"Of course...he probably won't tell you this but I will....he's never been happier in life than he is with you, you motivate him so much and he would've be anywhere near the NBA if it wasn't for you"

Jaden laughed and nodded as she got up

Jaden: "thank you Mel, you're gonna make a wonderful wife someday" she said as she hugged me

"Oh I'm already married" I said as I put my hand over my chest

Jaden: "huh?" She said as she put her shoes on

"Well since you're about to become family, I'll let you in on a family secret that only me, Tina and dip know"

Jaden: "okay" she said as we walked down the long hall

I pulled out my drivers license and handed it to her so she could see the name Melina P. Ball clear as day

I watched as her eyes got wide

Jaden: "when did this happen?!"

"A couple months after Liam was born, Tina took us" I smiled

Jaden: "where's the ring?"

I lifted the chain from out of my dress and showed her the ring which I was wearing as a necklace

Jaden: "it's beautiful!" She said as we stopped at the end of the hall and I put my shoes back on

"Remember shhhh" I said with a smirk as I peeked my head around the corner and looked for her dad

Once I spotted him I flagged him to come over

I quickly made my way back to the side of the alter with a huge smile on my face

"You can play the song now" I said to the man on the pipe organ

He nodded and started playing the song

Gelo: "thank you, I love you" he mouthed to me as jaden started walking down the isle

I gave him a thumbs up and winked at jaden

When the time came for the objections I'm pretty sure everybody was holding their breathe and praying that Izzy didn't speak up

I know I sure hopped she didn't cause than I'd have to beat her ass with my red bottom

She didn't and the wedding continued

The entire service was beautiful and other than the first hour it went by really smoothly

Let's just hope the reception goes the same way

The Perfect Life~ a lamelo ball love storyWhere stories live. Discover now