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~Melo's POV~

Mel: "dip wake up" she said as she tapped me

I opened one eye and seen that it was still pitch black dark in the room meaning it was nowhere near morning time

"What time is it?" I asked

Mel: "it's like 3 am but that's not the point" she said in excitement

"Babygirl If you want sex you gonna have to wait till after my game tomorrow cause I am TIREDT" I said as I turned the other way and closed my eyes

I heard her sigh and I know right then and there something was wrong

If Mel wants sex then she'd get it since she knows how to get me all riled up and she didn't even try to provoke me

Mel: "I'll just tell you after the game tomorrow" she said lowly as she laid back down

"Nah I'm sorry mammas, what's up?" I asked as I turned on the lamp

Mel sat up immediately with a bright smile on her face as she reached over and grabbed something

Mel is super unpredictable so I had to admit I was a little concerned

Mel: "look" she said as she handed me a piece of paper

I read the paper and damn near bulldozed her over when I jumped on her

Y'all remember me saying that we've been trying to have another kid?

Well yeah we've been trying for the past 5 months and absolutely nothing was working.

I was starting to think that there was something wrong with me But this piece of paper right here was like all of our prayers answered

"When'd you get this!?" I asked as I damn near hugged her to death

Mel: "yesterday while Kaliah was getting her ultrasound I told her I had to use the bathroom but I went and got a quick checkup myself" she laughed

"Does Kaliah know?" I asked as I stopped hugging her

Mel shook her head

Mel: "I wanna tell liam first before we break the news to everybody else"

"Ya know every time I think this girl can't make me any happier you always find a way" I said as I laid down and pulled her closer to me

Mel: "stoppp you're gonna make me cryyyyy" she said as she turned her head away from me

"Mmhm I love you melina" I said as I kissed her neck and rested my head there

Mel: "I love you too lamelo" she said as she kissed my forehead and played with my curls until I fell asleep

When I woke up the second time it was 9 am and Mel wasn't next to me but I smelled food

I smiled to myself before taking a shower, brushing my teeth, and getting dressed.

I damn near tripped down the stairs cause I was walking so fast

I was on one hell of a high from the news she told me early this morning

"Hey mammas" I said as I kissed her forehead

Mel: "hey" she smiled

"You told him yet?" I asked as I looked over at liam

Mel: "Nah I was waiting for you"

I nodded

"Hey buddy" I said to Liam as I fluffed his hair

The Perfect Life~ a lamelo ball love storyOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara