A Box of Torment

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        It took some work, but finally I managed to coax Alessa into letting me go straight into the horde, no fences included. I think that after she had been shoved into a Shape Shifter's nest, she was a bit reluctant to be attacked by any flying demons. We walked slowly back to the side of the building. I made sure she was okay and tried to get her story straight. 

        "I was shooting, and then a freakin' Shape Shifter came and grabbed my arms. There were so many of them, and then they all made me face another Shape Shifter. It took my form, and then they shoved me into their nest. Flyin' little..." She had told me. The only injuries she had sustained were a few cuts and bruises, along with a gash in her bicep, nothing too bad. We had bandaged it, and then swelling seemed to go down.

        "Excuses, excuses!" I gave her one last wink, and then began climbing the fence. Just a few inches out of the demon's reach, I unsheathed my sword and gave Alessa a quick glance. 

        "Be careful." She looked genuinely scared. I almost pitied her. 

        "I'm gonna be fine. should be worried about you getting up that building!" I shouted over the demons. Their claws reach for my shoes, but still couldn't reach me. They didn't have the coordination to climb the fence and get me. 

        "Just make sure nothing flies after me, and we won't have a problem." She winked, and ran to the building's side. I didn't feel like checking her any further, and began cutting myself a path to the ground. Black demon blood went splattering against the concrete. This, I sliced through a demon's neck. Is the life for me Phillip. 

        I agree, honestly, nothing better. His slick voice was coated in a thick layer of sarcasm. 

        What? Like you don't enjoy a good demon slaying? I swung my sword around, left, right, high and low, slicing demons like there was no tomorrow. Alessa's arrows began falling from the sky with an eerie precision. 

        Yes, yes, it's all fun over there, but here, He cut off for a moment. I'm actually doing something worth while. He finished as I brought a world of pain to three more demons, shoving my sword through their stomachs...or whatever fatty piece of flesh they had below their chests. (I prefer to kill demons, not memorize their anatomy.)

        And that would be? I replied. 

        Secret spy stuff. He snapped, with childish enthusiasm. 

        Really? Sounds lovely. 

        Yes, it is. Please continue with your demon killing. I need to concentrate. He said. I rolled my eyes, and focused on the task at hand: Dominating my hundreds of opponents. 

        I barely felt their pesky claws, because they'd soon slip away as I sliced through various species, spawns and sexes of demon, all of them being hideous. I tried making a list of them, but lost count. There were so many.  But as the day went on, I realized just how much we were killing. Alessa and I were clearing out maybe twenty per minute. Soon, there were only thirty of them left. Sweat dripped down my face, but I wiped it off with the back of my hand. The few remaining demons were huddled around something, not taking the effort to realize that their fellow monsters were dropping dead right next to them. Alessa was taking out the monsters in the middle while I picked them off from the outside, making my way to the center. 

        The last demon had the body of a scorpion, with black plates as armor, but the head of a human. It looked male, but had long brown hair that hung at it's waist. I tapped it on the shoulder with my blade, getting ready to give Alessa a show. It whipped it's head around, and opened it's mouth to scream, but what was meant to be a scream, came out as a rattle. I realized that it was the tail, shaking, poised to strike. I sighed. Too easy. The tail veered, and struck. I slipped to the side, dodged the tail, and watched as the demon struggled to pull the tip out of the cement. 

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