Rain Blood And Gunshots

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"Hermes, I-."

"We!" Bliss corrected me. I sighed, clamping my eyes shut. If she interrupts me one more time, I will carry her out. I glared daggers at her, ordering her to be silent.

"Hermes, we summon thee, god of trade. Grant us your presence so that we may discuss matters face-to-face." I waited for a moment, my legs cramping as I kneeled. "Hermes, I summon thee as a servant, and only as that." We waited for a moment in silence.

"Is it working?" Bliss asked. She had her eyes closed and remained with her knees on the ground. It was actually an awkward posture in her short dress. I sighed angrily and stood up.

"No. He's ignoring us." I rubbed my legs, trying to get some blood into them. She sighed and stood with me. "This is hopeless, Bliss. Hermes won't answer us. Our only hope is that he'll be weak sometime, and I'll be able to make Sýndesi̱ ." Seeing my frustration, she came closer and playfully wrapped her arms over my shoulders. Staring deeply into my eyes, she smiled.

"I think we both need a break. I'm gonna go outside so you can have some time to yourself. We'll start back up in five minutes. Who knows? Maybe the 14th time is a charm?" She shrugged and left the room.

Rubbing my neck, I began to lose my hope. If Hermes won't give me these candles, I might not get the chance to kill Hades. Even then, I felt bad for lying to Bliss. If we somehow did get the candles, there wasn't a single possibility that she was going to the Underworld. I wouldn't allow it.

"You've got quite the pair of balls, summoning me, Erich." I turned around to see Hermes. His thick, red, hair curled around his ears. It wasn't long enough to reach his silver chest plate, let alone his white skirts. He also wore a rugged leather satchel on his shoulder.

"I thought you stopped wearing dresses a long time ago, Hermes." I snarled. He smirked, his thin nose wrinkling.

"You've been summoning me for the past hour, I really don't think it was to make comments of my attire." He crossed his arms over his chest. I smiled, remembering how many muscles I had on my own chest. He's weak, but he has more godly power than me.

"Yes, that's right." We slowly began to circle each other, watching for any potential threats. I won't make the first move. He has to.

"But I am curious; who is that gorgeous little brunette that was with you?"

"Hermes, we've more pressing matters at hand. I have to get into the Underworld-."

"She has lovely eyes. Oh, violet, a gift from Aphrodite—no doubt."

"Hermes!" I snapped. His eyes widened as he focused. You stupid god. "Olympus has fallen, I'm seeking your help, and you're here thinking about Bliss!" I shouted.

"So...it's true." His face was suddenly pained with sadness. As much as I wanted to be angry with him, I knew that it was hard to accept. Hermes loved Olympus as much as everyone else. It truly had been, the heaven of the gods. "Such a shame, Erich. I had the most wonderful orchard of holm-oak." Suddenly, I was able to see the true Hermes, behind his mask of witty intelligence.

This situation had taken its' toll on him, creating dark circles around his eyes, bruises on his arms, cracked lips, and scraped hands. Hermes, was a mess.

"You can't call holm-oak wonderful. It's a hideous tree, Hermes."

"Yes, but oh, the lyres that it made. They were wonderful." He sighed. I wanted to pity him, I really did, but I couldn't. Last time that we had met, there were quite a few...complications. 

Fallen AngelOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora