Seven Stopped Hearts and One Beat

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I never remembered opening my eyes. And apparently neither did Bliss, because she was blinking quickly, trying to grasp what just happened. She tried to sit up, but fell back down, groaning with pain. The veins grew thicker, covering more of her skin.

"Hold on." I pulled her into my arms, waving my now-lit candle around. That was also something I didn't remember doing-lighting our candles. Groaning from the pain in my shoulder, I stood up and surveyed our surroundings.

It was pitch black, and the only light sources came from the Aima Candles. Strange enough, the candles didn't burn wax. They continued to glow without the wick burning down. Weird.

"Where are we?" Bliss asked quietly. Her voice echoed throughout the space. We're underground, I realized. The ground felt as though it was made of damp stone, further proving my theory.

"Bliss, welcome to the Underworld." I said quietly, walking forward-or whatever direction this was.

"Wait, Erich. Look." She pointed towards a small rack on the right side of the room. It was a golden pole that had been hollowed out and filled with a black liquid. It seemed to go on forever.

Bliss leaned over and touched the flame of her candle to the liquid. It immediately ignited, allowing the fire to spread down the hallway. Despite making it hotter in the corridor, I was able to see now. Kissing her forehead, I smiled and began to walk further down. The hallway consisted of dark cobblestone walls and floors, with a curved ceiling. "You're brilliant." I whispered, seeing a light at the end of our tunnel.

As we came closer, I gave her my candle, and grasped to the hilt of my sword.

"Be careful." She whispered as we emerged into the light.

The room was large, and surrounded with the same cobblestone walls and floors, but it seemed darker now. What is this stuff? The light came from a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. But instead of crystals illuminating it, tongues of fire burned on the rims and curls of the piece.

There were two thrones made of dark stone and furnished with red velvet. But in the center of the room lay a coffin. It was decorated in gold, but based off of the color black. We weren't close enough to see the inhabitant, though.

There weren't any doors or windows besides the hallway entrance, leading me to think that this was the throne room. But where's Hades? His chair was empty!

"Erich?" Bliss whimpered upon discovering the coffin. I slowly approached it, clutching tighter to my sword.

A beautiful woman lay in the coffin, her eyes closed. She wore a black robe with veins of lava running along the hem. It accented her curves and her thin features, as well as her unnaturally pale skin. Her black hair was done in a complicated style that was held neatly in a golden crown.

Her robe was fitted around her waist with a golden band that seemed to squeeze her torso a little too generously. I would've loosened it, but there was a glass covering on the coffin. I knew this woman. I knew why she was dead.

"Persephone." I muttered, staring at her with disgust.

"Isn't that Hades' wife? Why is she dead?" Bliss asked, placing her hand on the glass covering.

"I killed her because she helped murder my best friend." I didn't take my eyes off of her wretched form, but I could imagine Bliss' face. She was horrified.

"When did this happen?"

"Before I met you." I said sadly, ashamed of myself for not telling her.

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