A Little Brawl With Samson

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           How in the world does Alessa do this so well? I don't know how much longer it will be till my legs give out and I fall on my face. She looked cold as ice. Emotionless, her eyes glazed over with a dull stare. I've always hated my incapability to stand still, that was, until someone walked in front of me. Alessa snapped out of her daze and narrowed her eyes on the boy approaching. He was smirking, making me inwardly groan in frustration. Samson. He was dressed in guarding armor and held his personal sword in his right hand. I resisted the temptation to slap the smirk off his face.

"What do you want?" I growled. He looked up at me. Samson is a beefy boy, with red hair and a fat nose. He is an Undesirable, like Alessa, but she is more clean cut and easy going that he is. She controls her temper and shows some form of intelligence. He on the other hand couldn't be spoken for. His temper was like a wildfire and there was absolutely nothing intellectual in that empty head of his.

"I've got guard duty, and you're in my spot." He crossed his arms and let the hilt of his sword rest against his side. It was a stupid move, considering I could swipe it from him in a split second.

"We have these positions till nightfall. Go find a different one." I blinked slowly, watching his finger inch towards the sword. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He kept a steady eye on me.

"And why not?"

"You're picking a fight that you won't win." His finger twitched with anticipation. He wants that sword. He wants to cut me or scare me off somehow. Not gonna happen.

"I think you just don't want to get beat by me." I looked over his shoulder to see Alessa, her eyes wide with fear or excitement, I couldn't tell which. She knows that I can handle Samson, so I guess it's the latter. Yeah, there it is. I made out the sparkle in her eyes. She knows what's about to happen.

"Come on Samson, quit thinking like an Undesirable and be rational for once. I know you can do it!" I let my fingers run along the engraving of my sword, still planted firmly in the ground. He thought for a moment but didn't listen to reason. Not surprising. "Or you could attack me and embarrass yourself in front of Alessa." His finger reached the hilt of the sword, and was now tapping against the gold. I knew it was a low-blow, but Samson had something for Alessa. Call it lust, desire, whatever. He liked her, even though she hated his guts. "Go find your own post." I said with force. I felt the other guard's eyes on me. Everyone was watching this but didn't dare move.

"You wish." He grabbed his sword and swung it at me, but I was prepared. Samson is right-handed, but fights with his left hand, giving me an advantage. I get to block him with my strongest hand. He didn't have a chance. I threw my right arm up to block his, thus dodging the sword. He didn't have time to react before I threw my left fist into his jaw. Something popped against my knuckles, making me grin. There goes your jaw bone. It was probably dislocated or even better--broken.

My knuckles burned as he stepped back, clutching his chin. There were tears in his eyes, but also hatred and rage. "Adopted, scum bag, pr--" I stopped him.

"I gave you a chance to back out." My arm went down, and I placed both hands back on my sword calmly. Alessa was smiling behind him. I gave her a reassuring wink.

"Fine then, my turn." He ran at me, arms stretched out, and grabbed hold of my chest plate. I wasn't expecting this,and fell back from his impact. He pushed against me. I stepped back, only to trip over the iron fence and lose my balance. He let go of my armor and watched as I tumbled into the clouds, my eyes closed. Alessa screamed. My helmet flew off and fell behind me.

Instinctively, I reached out to grab something, anything that would keep me from falling. My fingers brushed against something cold and hard, tensing up and grabbing hold.The fence. When I opened my eyes, I found that my hand and upper arm disappeared in the clouds above me. The rest of my body was dangling into an abyss. The mortal world below me was dark blue and green. More clouds were down there, but none of them hiding a secret home to the gods. Everything around me was light blue, with a tinge of yellow coming from the sun a few miles behind me. The view was amazing. Right. Because when you're dangling above a three-thousand-mile-long drop, you always look at the scenery. The sound of Alessa's voice woke me out of my daze.

"Damn you Samson!" She yelled. I could faintly hear her footsteps coming closer. "Erich? Please, are you okay?"

"Do me a favor before anything else happens." I looked down at the world below me and groaned. Don't let go.


"Punch Samson."

"One moment please." I heard her go off. A muffled sound of skin against bone made me smile. Her footsteps came back, followed by a long stream of cursing from Samson. "That felt good." I could imagine her smiling and holding her fist.

"Could you go get me something to grab on to?" The moisture from the clouds was making my hands slippery, and I didn't want to swing to get my other hand up there.

"Yeah, I'll go get a spear from this guy." She trailed off out of my hearing.

"Take your time." I sighed, my arm straining from the pressure and weight. My shoulder felt like it was going to pop out of the socket. Even though, as a god, I can only be killed by a demon, or something inflicted by a demon. A fall to Earth would be painful and would end me up in the infirmary for at least a year or two, but I wouldn't die. Either way, falling is a bad idea. A strained shoulder wouldn't be as bad though. So, I used my free hand and unstrapped my chestplate off, letting it drop down into the world below. The weight of the armor left my arm feeling a bit stronger. Hope no mortals are standing underneath me. A long golden rod slowly lowered out of the clouds, poking me in the shoulder. "Hey!" The stick moved away.

"Sorry!" I grabbed the end of it and held tight, hearing Alessa's voice. She was music to my ears."Do you have it?"

"Yeah, pull!" The rod slowly went into the clouds, taking my other arm with it. Alessa grunted with effort, pulling me higher until my head emerged on top of the clouds. She had the spear leaning against the fence and was pushing down on it. Leverage, smart girl.

I let go of the rod and held tight to the railing. "I've got it." She pulled the spear off the fence and walked over to a guard. She said something to him and then gave the spear back. I lifted myself over the fence and brushed some dust off my armor. Alessa looked down to my legs and sighed. I had a long scratch going down my shin. I guess I hadn't noticed it while I was dangling millions of miles from the ground. "How's agoin'?" I gaped and took my sword out of the ground. That's when I noticed that Samson was gone. The coward probably ran away before I could get my hands on him.

"I'm fine, how about you?" She smiled, and also realized I wasn't wearing a chest plate, leaving my bare chest. Wonderful. Her face turned red.

"Great...uh." I sheathed my sword.

"I think you should come to my house. That cut needs to be cleaned." She readjusted her bow on her back and began walking down the path. I followed her down to her 'house'.

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