🥳💃🏻🎉How Does One Party In New Orleans?!🎊🕺🏻🪅

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"You knew didn't you?!.... I'm the reason she held back because it was me she wanted to search through!"  Klaus asks Zyanya a few hours later when they were back at the Mikaelson mansion "you are the one that's been giving her the hardest time and has more secrets than your entire family!.... well.... not as many as your mother has but all of your siblings combined!"  she replies he chuckles then kisses her lips "the magic!.... it was too dark!.... I just got rid of the darkness I didn't want it seeping back!.... the darkness comes from her!.... I don't understand it!.... I don't....!"  she whispers softly his lips lock with hers once more her hands shoot up in surprise as he deepens the kiss then they comb through his hair making him moan softly "now go bug your sister!"  she teases once he sets her lips free he chuckles then walks away feeling her lightly smack his ass as he does making him shake his head with a smile.... "do you think he's becoming soft?!"  Zyanya teases Elijah a few minutes later Elijah chuckles then replies "who Niklaus?!.... NEVER!!"  she chuckles shaking her head with a smile.... Tatiana stood with her brother, two of her uncles (Henrik and Elijah) and her aunt as they watched Freya be welcomed into the witches community and once they got back to the Mikaelson household the first thing they heard was Zyanya say "as I understand it we have quite a few things to celebrate!.... so Rivká how does one party in New Orleans?!"  Rebekah/Eva and Tatiana grin then they along with Henrik and Ilyas head back out into the city.... after "properly" preparing for a "true" New Orleans night out on the town.... Zyanya made sure that everyone had fun and forgot all the troubles their family had and Elijah watched from a distance with a smile on his face he noticed that Zyanya was right Rebekah did seem to begin to like her (Zyanya) more and that made him the happiest of all.... that is the thing he wanted most of all for his family to be close, whole and be together always and forever and he would do ANYTHING to make it happen even go against his own brother.... again.... he had thought that with Zyanya in his (Klaus) life he would never have to do that but he had a feeling that he was wrong he just wasn't sure HOW wrong he was for when she was with him (Klaus) he was a little bit kinder to those outside his little circle but when they were apart he was the devil's identical twin.... dangerous and dark.... Zyanya woke with a start her soft gasp woke Niklaus who slept at her side "she's here!"  Zyanya whispers knowing who of which she spoke Niklaus jumped out of bed hurriedly got dressed then rushed out of the mansion making it to the market just in time to somewhat threaten Dahlia through her "puppets".... a few minutes later Zyanya walks down the stairs and hears Klaus bellow angrily "isn't that the point of a fortress? it does a better job of protecting you when you stay within its walls?"  and Hayley reply in a embarrassed annoyed tone "OK! we get it now, let's just figure out what the hell we're gonna do"  Klaus answers "what I would like to do is take a strong leash...."  he stops when he hears Zyanya say in her soft smooth tones from behind him "I know you fear for her safety but you have no right to take away her freedom!.... you can't keep Hope cooped up in this!.... what did you call it?.... "fortress" she has a right to not only see but experience the outside world besides I think it's been proven time and time again that this "fortress" is no safer than that of the outside world even with a few of the oldest vampires, hybrids and witches living within it's walls!"  he turns and stares at her in a way that asks "I thought you were supposed to be on my side?!" she chuckles softly and says with a smile "not when it comes to a persons freedom! I know what it's like to not only feel but be trapped in a little box unable to get out1.... my box just happened to be a different type it was also much smaller and didn't have the same protection hers has!"  he looks at her sadly "there may be a way to use her ego to her disadvantage though.... those who consider themselves immortal always have the biggest weaknesses!"  she adds she walks over and kisses Niklaus on the cheek then says "I let you figure out how you wish to find that weakness!"  she winks at Elijah who smiles at her then walks out of the room....

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