To Hope Again

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"When he was sleeping Dahlia came to him trying to get him on her side.... I think she made a mistake.... it's possible she showed him more than she meant to without knowing it.... he has a plan.... as he always does! and just like every other plan he believes it will work and he will follow through to the bitter end!.... he's used to being the enemy, the "evil" brother everyone hates! and he will survive it as he always has but he won't be whole if he loses me or his daughter in the process!.... in case you haven't noticed having a child that is actually his has changed him.... even if it's a slow change he IS changing!.... with how long he's been as dark as you all claim he is there is no possible way that the change will be done overnight but with all that has happened to all of you and mostly him I hope this change.... the one that brings the devil within him back out doesn't last! I hope he becomes what he has worked so hard to become from the moment we became one completely and the moment he found out that he was to become a father!"  Zyanya tells Elijah who looks at her sadly "you made your choice Lijah! and it wasn't me and I have excepted that! now you must except that I have chosen your brother darkness and all he will not lose me like you have but as I said it was your choice!"  she adds he nods for there were no words he could think of saying in reply for as always she spoke the truth him saying that he wanted to be with Katrina proved that he made his choice even if he wasn't thinking clearly the moment he had said those words for if he was he would have chose her for he now truly sees what life would have been like if he had and he misses loving her as pure and unconditionally as she loves.... Zyanya, Tatiana, Ilyas and Henrik leave the Mikaelson household before Dahlia enters.... "you do realize that Kol never actually died right?!"  Marcel and Freya hear Zyanya say as they search for the urn of Kol's ashes they both turn and see her leaning up against the doorframe with her arms crossed over her chest "follow me"  she adds then walks away and they follow with a curious expression on their face she takes them to one of Kol's many hiding spots in New Orleans where a coffin lay smack dab in the middle of it Marcel walks over to the coffin opens it up and finds Kol's sleeping form within "it was a copy of him that was killed.... he actually spent quite a bit of time free from his vampiric hunger and his family then his mother somehow found a way to steal his soul from his body putting it in a deep slumber that even I can't wake him from without severe consequences! but with her connection with the ancestors and her one "free" spell that they will allow her to chose and use their collective power.... not without consequences mind you.... but they never fully explain the truth to their bindings do they?!"  Zyanya tells them "by the way this was Tati's idea"  she adds Marcel lets out a short soft chuckle then mutters "of course it was!"  which made Zyanya smile then she says "do what you will with it but be ready to face those consequences along with your little mouse.... I do wonder though.... who's ashes did she give her?!"  Marcel smiles at her then he starts laughing this time Freya looks at him oddly as he says to himself "that son of a bitch gave her his mothers ashes!"  Zyanya replies "I've already forewarned Elijah that he and Rebekah do not need to unbury the soon to be not so dead.... again!.... boy is she going to be PISSED!"  which makes him laugh again much louder this time around.... a few hours later as Elijah, Rebekah and Niklaus take their mother to face her sister Zyanya, Ilyas, Tatiana and Henrik felt as though they couldn't breath.... it wasn't until after he left Camille at Rousseau's that Niklaus had finally figured out where the family that has never left him for any reason other than to free themselves from the darkness of the world and how it plagued them would be he opens the door to Zyanya's condo and finds all four of them lying on the floor unconscious he rushes over to Zyanya kneels down beside her and whispers "I'm sorry!"  he picks them up one by one and carries them to their beds.... Zyanya wakes to find Niklaus watching her sleep she rushes over to him and hugs him whispering "this was not your fault!"  she feels her shoulder become wet as he starts to cry....

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