Who Really Is In Control Here?!

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"You like to think you're in charge of him but you're not I AM!.... though HE is the reason I haven't killed you and your flock of fools!.... I made a promise and unlike you I NEVER break my promises!.... you all can come after me! you all can come after him! but if ANY of you go ANYWHERE near his daughter just remember I don't have to be near you to kill you and I am ALWAYS watching!"  Zyanya threatens with a dark dangerous tone and everyone stares at her with fear in their eyes for they all know who she is and what she means to the Mikaelson family "now if you all want to keep on living I suggest you leave us in peace!.... oh and if any of you step even a pinky toe out of line while you are here.... I will know! and.... well lets just say the same rule applies as the one I made about his daughter!.... I don't care about it's "KING" but this is my HOME and I will not see you ruin it with your selfish stupidity now GO!"  she adds the vampires all scatter and Niklaus stares at her in shock not because of her anger but because she called New Orleans her home "it's growing on me!.... like a wort.... or a mole.... fungus?!"  she says softly Josh who is one of the few vampires who stayed bursts out laughing "don't worry Vin we'll stay here you don't need your boundary spell now I do believe you are late for a date!.... hey I may stay in the dark and get dirty with him but my children still wander the world finally free of their mother!"  Zyanya adds Vincent chuckles with a smile "go enjoy the night J"  she tells Josh who nods with a smile then he and the warlock leave "hopefully they think that since he has you locked in here he MIGHT have some control over me!.... not as much as you but.... some!"  Zyanya tells Niklaus once they are alone he chuckles "now come on.... back to bed with you!"  she coos as she takes his hand and leads him back down to the dungeon he raises an eyebrow at her but allows her to lead him wherever she wished they both knew that they weren't done that Marcellus wasn't done with him and until his family was safely back in New Orleans he had nothing better to do so he waited and as he has been for the past five years he's glad that she is with him and if he was honest he missed the dreams she helped him have the dreams that were so real that sometimes he forgot they were dreams "one last dream then we shall be free to take a long hot shower together!"  Zyanya says as she lays above Niklaus who lays on the ground in the first boundary circle Vincent made for him in the dungeon Niklaus chuckles softly then feels her lips meet his then travel down to his neck "this is not sleeping my love!"  he says softly "oh you'd rather sleep then do this would you?!"  she teases looking him in the eye "yes.... no!.... no of course not!!"  he replies but she had already moved so that she now lays at his side with her back up against his arm he chuckles then turns so that her back now lays upon his chest his fingers move through her hair and he hears her say in a soft low voice "to be honest.... I'm afraid of falling asleep!.... I've been having these dreams and trying really hard not to have them ruin yours by mixing together with them.... there's a mark.... it looks like a serpent eating itself.... I think Hope's been having the same dream.... that's when I see her!.... when I'm dreaming!.... we've gotten to know each other quite well.... she's a little sweetheart!.... she reminds me of Tati when she was that age but a bit more well behaved!"  he chuckles though there was a sadness in his eyes "she met your father.... your biological father not.... Mary introduced them without realizing who it was she was introducing.... meeting her brought all his memories back.... I figured.... or at least I.... hoped.... she was safer now that Dahlia was gone.... no one was after her just you and....!"  she adds he gently grips her shoulder and turns her body so that she now faces him and says softly "it's alright.... it's alright my love!"  she whispers "I think it's time we both go see the sun.... I can make copies of us and Eli has always been able to tell a copy from the original so they should figure it out once they get here and hopefully they'll be safe.... they're awake.... the prophecy has been fulfilled which means.... I don't have to keep my promise anymore"  he smiles and kisses her lips then says "I think I like that idea!"  she smiles then they stand up she pulls the chains off his body and they leave the boundary line then the Mikaelson compound altogether....

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