Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"Mr. Miller, you are temporarily blind. That does not excuse the stupid things you just uttered to me. First of all, I did not volunteer nor asked to be placed in this position. But that little girl upstairs clung to me for dear life. I was not about to break her heart. I don't know why, but she inspired sadness and loneliness. I not once ever fathomed being your anything. I was here for the child. But seeing as her arrogant father is back and seems to be healthy and mouthy. I bid you gentlemen goodbye."

Once done with but a fraction of what I really wanted to tell this asshole I got up and walked to the door. Then turned around "she still needs the interaction she is receiving at the daycare. I recommend you still send her. But that is your choice, but it is what's good for the child. It does not have to be my daycare. Any one will do." I opened the door and walked out after glaring at Lance and Randal.

If they would have said anything in his defense, today would have been the last time Lance would lay eyes on me. I huffed all the way to my car. "Bitch, I should have shown him what a bitch I was. I should have clawed his eyes out. It's not like they work anyway." I said to myself as I got in the car and slammed the door.

Joshua's POV

I sat back as the fire ball blasted me in that serious teacher's voice. All I was doing as she talked was picture some school librarian looking woman with a bun and glasses. She must be old and lacking in everything. I still can't believe she tried to use my daughter to get to me. Once I heard the door slam shut. I raked my fingers through my hair. "Well it seems like our little kitty, had claws." I said dryly.

"Joshua, that was uncalled for. We raised you better than that." Dad told me, but I didn't care.

"Boy you are going to have to do some serious ass kissing. When you see how much little Rose is attached to Miranda. I don't know what she did but that girl is just flourishing. With all the attention Miranda has given her. She was also right about not wanting the job. She would have rather shot her foot off than take this job. Randal and I had to practically beg before she took it." Lance said, I just snorted. Yeah right, just a ploy of hers.

I stayed quiet not ready to be swayed by their words. When dinner time rolled around, I was led to the table by mom. Rose chatted about her school and even sang a hello song that they sing when they arrive at the day care. It was like I was received by a different girl. A full blown chatter box, asking why for everything. Why did I have a bandage on my eyes? Why was I gone so long? Where was Miranda? When was she coming back? Why didn't I eat my carrots? Because Miranda said they are good for the eyes.

I can honestly say that if I heard that name again, I was going to scream. Lance left after dinner and dad and mom where going to sleep over. It was time for Rose's bath but I felt helpless and not able to help at all. During that entire stay at the hospital, I was so sure all would be fine. I was so sure I had everything in the house memorized. That I would be able to get around alone. But damn it all to hell if I didn't trip twice and fall once.

I felt helpless and angry. But I would be damned if I let mother take me a fucking bath. Dad helped me to the bathroom and kind of let me feel around. "Ok Joshua, take 5 steps forward. That puts you at the door to the bathroom. Now count 7 steps in and turn right. Hold your hand out and down and you will find the bench seat. There you can sit and take your clothes off. Once you are ready take 10 steps to the left and turn half way to the right. Hold out your hand and you will feel the shower door. Once inside, hot water is to your left, cold to your right." Dad said.

I followed his directions to a tee. I was so happy when I reached my destination. Thank heavens for the little accomplishments, I gloated to myself. "Once you are done. Open the door and reach left. Go as far as you can reach without falling. Your towel will be hanging there. Then just retrace your steps to the bench. Your PJ's will be waiting there."

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