Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart."


Siddarth threw the file on his desk and stood up to pace the length of his office. One week, that’s how long it has been, since Karan gave his ultimatum and he hasn’t let up for a whole week. Every time Siddarth turned Karan had another set of pictures for him to look at or another marriage website he thought would be good to sign up with to find a Gujarati bride.

No amount of arguing on Siddarth’s part had swayed Karan, he had even threatened to leave the family and not return ever but even that hadn’t budged Karan. He had claimed it didn’t matter whether Siddarth stayed with the family or not he still won’t marry unless Siddarth marries first. Siddarth just couldn’t understand what had gotten into his cousin all of a sudden.

He ran his hand at the back of his neck in frustration. At least rest of the family had left him alone, not that they didn’t give him expectant looks everyday. How can he make Karan and rest of the family understand that the only woman he loves and wanted to marry didn’t want to marry at all?

He halted at the window that over looked the busy business district of Edison. He debated for a week on what approach to take with Karan's ultimatum. He knew if he is to be married,  then there is only one person he is going to choose to marry. Only problem  is how to get her to say yes.  Siddarth knew no matter how he approached her she is going to say no and try to get him to agree to his family's choice of girls.

Siddarth decided he is going to do this his own way and only thing he wanted his family to do is talk to her aunt and brother. Her parents are not going to agree for the alliance. Gauri is coming back today from a three day conference, but first he will talk to his family, specifically his mother.

He decided to head home early and get his talk with his mom out of the way then maybe he can talk Gauri into going out with him. He spoke to her everyday but has yet to see her since the reception.

Thought of reception brought a sensual smile to his face. After she had rejoined him at the table he hadn't let her sit in the corner like she wanted to. He had made her get up and dance and have fun with everyone. They had mostly stayed close to Raj and Kruti but had taken their turn dancing with others.

He had been surprised to see her take a couple of turns with Karan. She had danced with her brother while he had danced with Sanya. Both Sanya and Amit had been elated to see Gauri and Siddarth have fun and get involved in all activities. He had been lucky enough to have the first and last dance with her. At the end of the night she had been more relaxed and smiled openly at everyone. 

Over the week he spoke to her frequently over the phone and each time she asked him if everything was okay with him. It was as if she sensed he was hiding something from her. He is ready to tell her and put forth his proposal to her and let her decide what she wants to do, for him she was it.

Siddarth felt his body tense as he came close to his home. In the past he had stayed away as much as possible but now things have changed, but his anger has not diminished yet. He decided to shower and change before he talked to his parents.

Thirty minutes later Siddarth was ready in tanned Dockers and a maroon polo shirt. He pulled out his phone to check messages and got lost in Gauri's photo he had taken at the reception. He caressed her face and smiled. He was so lost in his thoughts he didn't realize someone was knocking on the door until his mom called out his name.

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