Chapter Twelve

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25th January,

Today, I decided to choose what I wanted in life. Even if Kai and I have only been dating for a short time, I didn't feel wrong when I broke up with him, yet I felt relieved that I could admit what I'd wanted in life. Finally, I realized what I could do and what I want now.

I was so happy that I waited for Lisa coming back home until midnight because I couldn't sleep without telling her the news and my true feeling towards her.

I was sleeping on the couch in the living room, waiting for her to come back home until the sound of the footsteps on the doorway waked me up. I bolted to the door, feeling over the moon as I heard my Lili's voice outside.

I intended to go and hugged her before telling her all of my feelings. But the sight outside the door broke my heart, I didn't know what I should feel right now.

Seeing the Somi that Lisa always mentioned was so damn hurt when she was tender towards my Lili.

I let my tears burned my cheeks before wiping it away and waiting for them to finish, and it felt like forever when they were smiling and talking to each other like they knew each other along time ago.

My heart was stabbed by the pain when that girl leaned towards Lisa's cheek and kissed her shyly.

Finally, they said goodbye to each other as Lisa stumbled into the house because of her drunken state. I made sure that the girl had already left before I faced Lisa.


We had a small argument before I told her that I love her that I broke up with Kai because I love her.

I felt so relieved because I finally had the urge to admit my feelings to her.

I was stupefied at her reply. She rejected me. I was afflicted with the rejection. Her rejection.

I felt so painful, like someone hit me again and again until I felt numb and didn't know what to do anymore.

I cried and cried, telling her that all the truth I told her was crystal clear that I fucking love her, but she didn't respond as she bolted to her room.

Then, my world shattered into pieces.

Someone said, "Love hurts you, and it's painful."

I have never thought that the love I have now could be this painful because when I broke up with Kai, I didn't feel this way. Somehow, I felt like I was a little contented. Talking about Kai, I felt guilty due to breaking with him without any decent reason.

I just confessed to him that I could not continue it anymore, just like that, he respected me, and here we are broking up like it's nothing.

Our breaking up news spread all over the world.

People might think that I cried now because my relationship didn't work out. Yeah, they are right, but it's not exactly the whole thing right.

I cried but not because of Kai.

It sounded so pathetic, anyway.

Lisa reads the whole page again and again, absorbing the pain that Jennie had felt.

She hits herself on her chest, insulting and tormenting her for not knowing how hurt the brunette was, yet she always thought about her pain and blamed all of those things on Jennie.

As she can't stand it anymore, she goes to ber room, grabbing her denim jacket, putting it on, attempting to go outside.


She looks back, seeing Jisoo beaming at her with tears in her eyes.

"We found her!" Chaeng adds.

She runs to the two as her face also burns with tears in delight.

"Where's she?" Lisa asks in excitement.

"At Kai's house,"

"What?!!!" All of her excitement disappears with just the name of that man.

"Lisa, calm down. He said he saw her on the street in the middle of the rain after the concert, so he took her to his  home-"

Lisa is fuming and utters angrily, "Why that shit didn't bring her to our dorm. Why did he have to take her to his house?"

"He didn't tell us about that because we were too excited and hurried to tell you. I think we should go there now. It's more important, though."

The blonde calms down a little before nodding and snatching the car key and going towards the car, followed by Chaeng and Jisoo.


Getting inside the car, Chaeng asks curiously, "Unnie, I wonder why Jennie Unnie had to be under the rain alone. I don't understand, though."

As those words come out, Lisa can't help thinking about her actions towards Jennie again. She is not speaking anything, or replying to the curious Chipmunk.

Otherwise, she's been sulking for the rest of the ride, also confused with that stuff.

After thirty minutes of driving, they arrive at their destination. Lisa is the first one to gets out of the car and pushes the bell of Kai's house impatiently.

Jisoo pats her shoulder slightly, "She is okay, now. Let wait a little."

Right on cue, Kai opens the door smiling bitterly at the three before asking them inside, guiding them to the living room.

"Where's her?" Lisa asks, not wanting to wait anymore.

"She's sleeping inside my room right now," Kai answers casually.

Suddenly, Lisa grabs his collar before shouting, "Why didn't you bring her to our dorm instead?"

Everyone's startle at her action as Jisoo tries to restrain her, "Lisa, let him explain, okay?"

She heaves a deep sigh before releasing him, "I'll give you five minutes,"

Kai laughs, making all of them confused at his action. "Lisa, you know what??!! If someone here should be blamed, it would be you!!!" He changes his expression to an angry one, leaving Lisa stunned.

"What did you mean?" Jisoo asks curiously.

"You should ask her. Lisa, tell your friends the truth. Tell them that you were the one that drove away and left Jennie on the road alone in the middle of the night in a heavy rain, and I couldn't imagine what might have happened if I wouldn't be there in time." He finishes his speech, glaring at Lisa in anger.

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