Arranged Marriage

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It had been a couple of weeks, Nyx hadn't really made any friends. She hasn't even tried. Instead, she had been reminiscing in her memories, giving her the reputation of a girl lost in a daydream. She hasn't even talked to her pen pal, they go to the same school and he knows what she looks like. She just simply assumed it was because of her house. Talking of her pen pal, Nyx looked up at him as he walked past.

"Regulus!" She shouted, deciding she needed some sort of human contact.

The boy turned startled. He didn't expect anyone around this part of the castle, nevermind someone who would talk to him using his first name. Upon seeing the girl, he smiled.

"Hey Nyx," he said softly, "how have you been?"

"Why haven't you been talking to me?" The question had been on her mind, the fact that he hadn't hurt her.

"I'm sorry, my friends won't let me." He sounded quite upset at the thought of ignoring the only person who made him feel human.

Nyx looked at him in sympathy, "don't believe what you believe just because its how they raised you."

"I know, it's just hard when all these people are putting thoughts in my head. It's overwhelming and making me feel sick," he truely sounded defeated.

"Think your own thoughts, don't let them do it for you. Actions speak louder than words and its pretty quiet, isn't it?"

Regulus looked down before mumbling something about going to class, it was a Saturday. Nyx just sighed and hugged him. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and said, "you're a good kid sweetheart, don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

Regulus smiled and walked down the corridor leaving Nyx to her own thoughts.

Coming to the conclusion that she has nothing better to do, she decided to write a letter to Tom.

She was walking to her common room when she bumped into someone. She realised it was someone very familiar. Sirius Black.

"Sorry," he grunted without realising who he had bumped into.

"It's fine hun."

Sirius looked startled, no one had ever used that nickname, especially not so casually. He looked down and realised he walked into Nyx. A look of guilt washed over his face.

"Look I'm sorry about what happened on the train it's just i get defensive when people bring up things like that."

"I'm used to it, don't get your knickers in a twist."

"I'm sorry, what?" Sirius looked comically confused.

Nyx giggled, "it's a muggle saying meaning not to worry too much."

Sirius smiled at that. He felt at ease around her, like he had known her before, just can't pinpoint when. She had a face that takes him to a special place but he had a feeling that if he stared too long he would probably break down and cry. He didn't know why.

"Do you have a place you need to be?" He said hopefully.

"Not really, i was just going to write a letter to Tommy but I'm sure he can wait."

And so the pair started walking, they walked to the willow tree in front of the black lake and sat down.

"Where are all your friends on this fine Saturday afternoon?" Nyx asked once she realised they were nowhere to be seen.

"James is in detention and Remus and peter are studying in the library."

Nyx nodded and absentmindedly said, "i used to have a friend called James."

She missed out the part where they got married of course. The pair got married when they were just 19. Unfortunately, Nyx came to her rebirth at age 25 but went with promises of meeting again.



"What was he like?"

"He was truly amazing, a right cheeky bastard at times. Every time he wrote to me during school he always seemed to be in detention for some prank or other. He had the most amazing family as well. I didn't have a family when growing up, I've never met my parents. It was always the nanny."

"He sounds great, i wish to meet him someday."

A deep sadness fulfilled Nyx as she remembered that he never did get to meet James. Instead, James was just named after him, like a memory.

"I'll make sure you will."

They fell into a comfortable silence, each lost in their own thought. Nyx started humming a song, 'bad at love' by Halsey.

"What are you humming?" Sirius asked, interested in the beautiful song.


Sirius just nodded and accepted it.

Nyx pulled out a piece of parchment and started writing her letter to her old friend.

Dear Tom,

Hey hun, just writing to see if you're well. Seeing if your plans of mass destruction are in motion and as always you know i don't support it.

Could you please do me a favour? Just to cover up an accidental lie. Could you make an arranged marriage to young Regulus Black? I heard that his parents are one of your little minions.

Another request, this is self-improvement, i still do love you and i don't want you going too far. Remember to surround yourself with people who challenge how you think and not just people who nod there head and act like they agree. Be yourself and not the person you pretend to be. I know you, Tommy.

That's all i wish to say, hope you're doing well. I'm in Hufflepuff in case you're wondering. You always said i belonged there.

By Tommy

"Would you like to go to the kitchens? maybe get some hot chocolate," asked Sirius once he realised she was done writing the letter.

Nyx nodded and they went, creating a mindless chat between them including favourite colour.

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