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Asura looked down at the letter in disbelief. It couldn't be possible surely. Her thoughts we're frantic and she was shaking.

"Woah, Woah, Woah, Asura."

Asura reluctantly looked up at her best friend, tears glistening in her eyes yet still refusing to run down her face.

Brook took the letter out of Asura's shaky hands and read it slowly. The letter also seemed to have the same effect on the other girl as she too sat next to the broken girl.

"It's going to be fine, I'm sure of it, I'm not sure how but you have to believe me."

Asura just nodded and slowly got up.

"We have to go to breakfast, " she said numbly.

Brook nodded sympathy etched on her face and took Asura's hand and led the two to the great hall.

A blanket of silence covered the hall as she walked in, Asura felt claustrophobic, a pressure set itself on her throat and she wanted to cry.

"Get back to your knitting you nosey buggers!" Shouted brook, Asura slightly smiled at her friend's antics.

They went and sat at the table.

"Asura?" She heard Draco say softly, he already knew what had happened, his father probably told him through a letter.

"Yeah, " she croaked out.

"I'm not going to pretend that everything is normal, it's not but you have to strengthen a bit. It's for your own good, I'm not being a twat."

"I know... It's just hard, what will even tell Harry? Oh God Harry, " she started to panic.

"Calm down, calm down. We can go and find him, it will be fine, " Draco tried to comfort.

Asura calmed a bit. She looked at the Gryffindor table only to find there was no sign of the boy.

"Where is he?"

"I saw Granger take some breakfast, I think they've gone somewhere. I've heard there was a fall out between him and Weasley, " pansy tried to help, she also knew what happened.

The words, however, angered Asura. Ron had fallen out with Harry over this pathetic tournament.

She stood up without a second thought and stormed over to the Gryffindor table before anyone could even think to stop her.

"Ronald Weasely!" She shouted, well aware of the attention she was receiving.

"W-what?" He looked positively terrified.

"Are you really thinking of breaking one of our promises over something so pathetic? Harry needs you right now and in about an hour probably more than ever!"

"Why, what happened?"

Asura challenged him with a glare but softly said, "he just lost one of his main parental figures."

"And that is?"

"My mother, " she brokenly said, the adrenaline had evaporated from her veins.

"Oh, well I'm not forgiving him until he admits how he did it."

Asura's eyes flashed, "you're pathetic!"

She stormed off.

She just kept walking and walking and walking, she didn't know where and she didn't care. She wasn't paying any attention to her surroundings.

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