The Vaults

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"I've always wanted a pet, " stated Asura.

"You do realise you can't keep this thing, right?" Responded Brooklyn, looking up from her book to look at her best friend.

"Why not?"

"It's a dragon, " Brooklyn dead planned.

"But broooook, " Asura whined.


Asura huffed in annoyance.

It was two weeks before Christmas break and the girls were excited, to say the least. Asura had found a little baby dragon in the room of requirements, which the girls found while hiding from Filch. The girls were unsure about the outside so they decided to stay inside.

Lots of things had happened in the last couple of months. The girls finding similarities between them, finding their love for mischievousness and their smarts that work together in wonderful ways.

Asura had also been writing to her mum and Harry throughout, never missing a letter. Once Brook found out about her friend she simply exclaimed, 'you know Harry Potter?",
And that was it.

Overall, the two girls couldn't be happier.


Christmas was coming. One morning in mid-December, Hogwarts woke to find itself covered in several feet of snow. The lake froze solid and the two girls were punished for bewitching several snowballs so that they followed students around, bouncing off the back of their heads. The few owls that managed to battle their way through the stormy sky to deliver mail had to be nursed back to health by Hagrid before they could fly off. again.

While places like the great hall and the common rooms were filled with heat from the fires. The corridors had become icy and bitter. The wind rattled the windows. Worst of all though was the potions classroom. Where breath turns to mist in front of them and everyone huddled closer to their potions for warmth.

As a punishment, Asura and Brook had to make a flawless wideye potion.

"This is stupid. We shouldn't even learn this till the third year. We are first years," Brook complained.

Asura simply nodded her head while adding six dried billywig strings to the potion and waiting for thirty seconds.

"Do you not care?"

"I was thinking the sooner we get this done, the sooner we leave and sneak into Hogsmeade. I have to do some last-minute shopping, " Asura states, smirking.

"Oh, i see, " Brook agreed, adding the crushed ingredients left on the mortar.

Asira stirred the potion three times clockwise and waves her wand.

"And done, we have to come back tomorrow to finish it off."

The girls walked out linking arms. Making their way to the one-eyed which that was by the stairs to the DADA classrooms.

"I swear to God they are trying to kill us with these stairs, " exclaimed Brook as she was out of breath from walking up one flight of stairs. They came to classroom 104 before whispering the spell 'dissendium' and slipping through the small passage to Hogsmeade.


"Have you heard about the cursed vaults?" Brook asked out of nowhere.

"The what what?"

"I was talking to Charlie Weasley that Bill broke into one. It's behind the vanishing staircase on the fifth floor. It was covered in ice." Brook simply explained.

Of course Asura knew about the volts. It was her idea to make them as a way of protecting. Who in their right mind would want to go inside one of those?

Patricia Rakepick was the only person to come to mind. The new DADA teacher.

they found that book and Asura is done for. The book may only have scribbles inside but they meant so much. It was her protection.

"Then in 1986, they found the one of fear but apparently only a map of the forbidden forest and a broken arrow."

That wasn't any old arrow, Asura thought, that was cupid's first arrow. Please say that stupid boy did not touch that thing.

"Last year, they found the forest vault though. They had found a picture of a dragon and a small jumper. Apparently, the jumper would be impossible for anybody to wear."

That wasn't a dragon, that is my true form. I don't think it looks anything like a dragon. That jumper as well. It belonged to my first child, that's why i wasn't well last year, they touched it. Asura exclaimed silently.

"I have two questions for you, " Asura proposed, Brook nodded, " since when did you talk to a Gryffindor? And, since when did you start gossiping?"

Brook just shrugged, staying quiet as she realised that the redhead was completely right. This wasn't like her at all.

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