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The guests were here in no time, the familiar man holding something that looked vaguely like a baby but Asura knew better than that.

"Hey Lucy, " the girls said casually to the man.

"Asura, " the man said with a forced smile.

"Draco is such a nice boy, you should be proud of him you know."

"As long as he carried on the name with pride I'm happy with him."

Asura looked at the man in distaste before looking at the person he just sat down.

"Hiya Tommy!"

"Hello, Elizabeth."


"Oh yes, I almost forgot."

It was almost needless to say the Lucius was more than confused about the encounter happening before him. After all, it's not common to see you lord treat someone as an equal. Never mind a teenage girl.

"Anyways the deal we made, I do hope we go through with it, I have to protect Brook."

"Yes, I agree with your offer, there is no need to go with formalities. I have faith in your trust."

"Thanks, you do understand I will not go through with a majority of orders you make. You know me."

"Yes, Asura, you're the most strong-headed person I've ever had the pleasure of meeting."

"I know."

Voldemort took out his wand and motioned for Asura to come forward and put her left arm out.

"This might hurt."

A stinging went through Asuras arm but she refused to let her face show any kind of discomfort.

Once it was over, she looked at the mark left on her arm. She had committed and she had to be careful.

"Thank you Tom."

With that, the two went away. One considerably more confused than the other but didn't far say anything out of fear.

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