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"Harry James Potter if you do that again I swear to God I will kill you!!" Came the like screech of Asura.

That was the first thing that Harry heard as he woke up. He heard the screeching and the door slam and his head fell back on the cushion.

"What even happened?"

"You fell off a bloody broom that's what! Must've been 50 feet! You're lucky I saved you, " Asura shouted at Harry.

"We didn't- lose?"

"I swear to God child, is that all you think about. No, you didn't win, Diggory caught the snitch before he realised you fell. The bliming Hufflepuff tried to call a re-match but they won fair and square."

"What about the broom?"

"It snapped. Don't panic, I'll buy you a new one if you really insist, " Asura said rolling her eyes.

"There was a grim, " Harry said after a moment of silence.

"You what?" Came a panicked voice.

"Before i fell, i saw it. It was watching me. It always shows up before something bad happens."

"Padfoot, " Asura said softly.


"Nothing, I'll be back later Hazza, i have a very important meeting as of right now."

Asura rushed out of the hospital wing and onto the grounds of Hogwarts. She wandered to the whomping willow, the tree mysteriously stopping as the girl approached. Asura thought nothing of it though as she slipped down the passage and into the shrieking shack.

The inside was dingy as always, the daunting scratch marks on the walls reminded her of her favourite professor. The sofa, however, was the thing she was most focused on. More importantly, the thing that lay on top, a big, black, shaggy dog.

She went and sat down next to it, trying to be quiet once she realised the dog was asleep.

"Padfoot, " she whispered softly.

The dog opened his eyes to realise he had company. He sat back in shock, looking at the girl in confusion. He didn't recognize her.

"Padfoot, it's me, Nyx, " the girls continued her whisper, her old name felt foreign her tongue.

The dog transformed into a man, a rather unclean and messy man. He was adorned in prisoner clothes.

"Nyx?" The man whispered.

Asura nodded, "well it's actually Asura now, Nyx is a rather old name."

"You look so different, " the man croaked out.

"Well that kind of happens when you get reborn, Ya know, new person and all."

The man chuckled, Asura had a feeling the man hadn't done that in years. She smiled.

"Tell me about your new life, "
The man said.

"Okay, first Remus told me that you told him about my special powers. I thought i told you to tell no one, " Asura states sternly.

The man looked down in shame.

"I don't care. Anyways, i was born in 1977 so I'm three years older than that troublesome kid you call your godson, " the man smiled at her description, "I'm in Slytherin, best friend is called Brook. We are Harry's mothers and he just settled with it, he's known me the majority of his life anyways. He's known Brook since he was nine so he's just learnt to deal with us." The girl rambled on

"He sounds like a delightful child, " the man grinned.

"He is, deep in his bones, he's a good kid. He's currently in love with a certain Slytherin at the moment though. It's honestly painful to watch, you actually have no idea. They act like they hate each other, throwing insults all over the place. They have both said they like each other but they don't seem to want to tell the other person, " Asura complained.

"Just let them figure it out, they'll soon realise you're right."

"I've never been wrong Sirius, you know that, " Asura deadpanned, "anyways i have to go babysit sir potter."

"Can you take a present to him for me, please."


Sirius handed her a broomstick, upon further inspection, she realised it was a firebolt.

"You spoil him rotten."

"And you don't?"

"Touche, I'll see you later then padfoot, " she turned and gave him a kiss on the cheek before making her way back down the passage.

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