Filler in it's finest

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0:00 a.m.

"A mistake"

God Save the Queen has added United States of America to "A mistake"

United States of America: TIME TO GET SPOPPY!!

PERKELE: At least wait till like

PERKELE: One week earlier

PERKELE: Thanks.

United States of America: fucking fine dude

United States of America changed their name to America FUCK YEAH!

America FUCK YEAH!: oh yeah!

America FUCK YEAH!: 'Nada, Aussie, Zea

America FUCK YEAH!: dad brought home McDonalds!!

Canada: god bless his soul.

Tripaloski: My dad died.

America FUCK YEAH!: no McDonalds for you

Tripaloski: This fucking disrespect.

Full of DETERMINATION: From your own boyfriend.

Full of DETERMINATION: Oh! He/Him now please!

Full of DETERMINATION: Also, S.K. convinced me to try writing! I need y'alls help now.

Full of DETERMINATION: Which crimes do you think would have been punished with a death sentence in middle ages?

America FUCK YEAH!: homosexuality

Can I into Space?: When you disobeyed or attacked the church.

8 minutes of sleep: Arson, theft, rape.

PERKELE: Basically you could die for everything when some big dude doesn't like you.

America FUCK YEAH!: witch-hunt was a thing i guess

Canada: or because people were redheads!

Full of DETERMINATION: So many ways to make people suffer. What a great experience! 0/10 would do again! 

Full of DETERMINATION: Thanks for the help!

Canada: no prob Ukra!

Big-Tiddy-Goth-GF: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

America FUCK YEAH!: Don't even fucking think about it, Japan.

Canada: ???

8 minutes of sleep: Keine Sorge.

K-Pop and Mukbang: *Cries in K-Pop*

Big-Tiddy-Goth-GF: *cries in yaoi*

K-Pop and Mukbang: Hey! Solidarity!

Big-Tiddy-Goth-GF: =3 !!

N.K.: Fucking Idiots.

N.K.: I finished the puzzle.

8 minutes of sleep: That's nice. How do you feel now?

N.K.: 불편한

8 minutes of sleep: Can you tell me why?

A mistake [A Countryhumans Chat-fic]Where stories live. Discover now