new man

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I'm out and oddly enough I feel like a new man I saw my ways and how I was just a fucked up person for a long time I was never right after the death of my mom and brother but I learned to let it go stop thwelling on the past they will always be with me no doubt I'll hold the memories we shared close to my heart. I've been way to emotional cause I could never let go but now I'm good.

I replayed all my latest situations over in my head of Sydney and Terrance and how I handled my business situations I've handled it so wrong the whole time I'm out here killing, mouthing off, acting like an ass I really should've been trying to be an decent man at least something my moms would've been proud of she always told me to never been like her in the streets she wanted me to make an honest living she wanted the same for Kev.

I've been doing the same thing that got my brother killed for so long I don't know why I didn't see it sooner but I should've just stopped while I was ahead. I need to make things right with Sydney and most importantly Terrance I've never went this long without seeing or talking to my bro I just hope he is alright.

I picked up my phone calling Benjamin

"Wassup younging I haven't talked to you in a minute which is a problem."

"Look I had someone handling things while I was away things are good but what I want to tell you is I'm out this shit ain't for me no more I don't wanna live my life like this."

"So you just gone give it all away? You work for me you can't just quit I would have to kill you and you know that." I stopped breathing.

"But since your like son to me I'll let you go I'll need all the passwords to every safe storage unit and any private property you have relating to this business I want and need all my proudct and I'm gone need a 2.5 million fee you get all of that to me and your out I'm gone miss you Carter." I left out a breath of fresh air

And just like that he hung up on me.

I've been completing work while I was in this facilitie and I think I can actually be somebody crazy part about it all was just about a year ago I couldn't see a future for me, And if I did happen to see a glimpse it would of been of Terrance and I being some major Drug lords but I don't want that shit no more I don't know what I wanna be just yet but shit I wanna do something, something that doesn't involve me going to jail where being a trap lord was gone get me.

Its only a few months left of  Senior year and I need to get my shit together and fast.

"Hey man can you meet me at  Big Johns in five,    alright one." I hopped into my car  driving to Big Johns its a burger joint

I walked in and had a seat at a table not to long after I arrived Terrance walked in with a blank expression on his face.

He caught eye contact with me sitting down in front of me "So wassup"

I sighed "Well look man I wanna start of by saying I fucked up and I'm sorry we've been brothers for to long to let some shit like this come in between us we've been fighting since the beginning of time look over there you remember that park I remember you me and Kev went there and we started arguing over something I can't remember but damn it was something stupid as hell then again we were some kids but we've fought multiple times I just hope this fight right here hasn't damaged us for good? You think we can forget about this bullshit and go back to being brothers and shit man?"

Terrance sat there for a second with the same blank expression he walked in on and said nothing but a few seconds later a smile crept up on his face and I knew I got my brother back.

"Yea man we good and shit I've missed you man I mean I couldn't even tell you the shit that's been going on lately and it really fucked me up cause I couldn't and you the only brother/friend I got."

"Well I'm back bro and you know you can tell me anything so wassup?"

"Well I guess we can start of by saying Welcome back Uncle Carter." My eyes damn near flew out my head this was crazy

"Hold up you mean to tell me you got somebody pregnant and I'm gone be an uncle?" He nodded

"Bruh wtf who?"

"Serena." I smiled I mean yea I saw the connection between the two but I ain't never think they would've been in this situation

"Damn man I'm happy for you I'm most positive you gone be a great ass dad something our fathers never were." Terrance nodded in agreement

"Man I feel like things are moving so quick I mean I fell in love with her and now I'm having a baby man I feel 35 and I'm only 17."

"Shit I feel you but although shit is moving to fast you gotta take care of things and step up."

"Yea man I know."

The waiter walked over to the table "Hi can I start you guys off with some drinks?"



"Alright I'll be right back with your drinks." She was bend forward showing her tits when placing the menu's on the table trynna get Terrance attention but he didn't even notice. Which I'm glad he gone be faithful to Serena she is a good girl for him. The waiter quickly walked over after being showed no attention she even looked back and mugged him.

"But what I been meaning to tell you is I'm out the game I called Benjamin I'm giving up the trap and everything and paying this man 2.5 mill. Just to leave."

Terrance looked at me like I was crazy "What the fuck!" He said a bit loud getting the attention of a lot of people

"You mean to tell me your giving up all that you've worked for? That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard you say why would you do some shit like that I mean where you gone get money. I mean you gonna be up where in McDonalds? Making 6.50 an hour man don't be stupid."

"Look man this some shit I need to do I guess I can understand you not agreeing with it I mean we've been in this shit for so long but I gotta do this man for me I got to save my soul."

"Wow man I guess I can do nothing but respect your decision and hope you find your way."

"Thanks man." Just then the waiter brung back the drinks with a smirk on her face she placed the drinks on the table and quickly left

Terrance was about to grab his drink but I quickly grabbed it "Man don't drink this bullshit she did something to it."

"What you talking about."

"She clearly tried flirting with you but you payed her no attention she walked away with a mug and came back with a smile now what that tell you?"

"Damn I fucked up." He said causing me to laugh

"Man let's go." Me and Terrance got up I threw down a ten and we left.

"Alright man I'll hit you up later."

"Alright but wait a minute." Terrance said


"Where the fuck have you been you been gone for two months I mean where the fuck where you?"

"I was in a facility I was getting help dealing with all my issues major part in why I'm changing my life around."

"Damn why didn't you call me."

"I didn't think you would wanna hear from me after all that shit went down."

"We fam for life so don't think I wouldn't wanna hear from you no matter what I'm available even if I do wanna kill yo ass." We dapped and said out goodbyes

I got home and everything looked the same just as I remember it even the same blood stain on my couch from Terrance and Rob fighting. I shook my head at the memory and ran quickly up stairs I've missed my bed I jumped into my bed and got comfortable I couldn't stop thinking about Sydney I listened to what she said I got help I picked up my phone to call her.

It was dialing for what seemed like an hour I was just about to hang up when something I never wanted to hear coming from the other sound of that phone spoke

"hello" another man said

Which broke my heart and caused me to throw my phone against the wall FUCK!


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