tristeza part 2

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(Sydney p.o.v)

Me and Serena was really at the doctor's I told Carter I would be at the mall because I didn't want him all up in my business. I haven't been feeling well and I've took four pregnancy test but the results came back both two postive and both two negative so I needed a guarantee from the doctor.

"It'll take a minute for the results to come back would you like me to call you or schedule another appointment?"

"Calling me would be fine."

Both me and Serena left the doctors. I turned my phone back on and my phone had 46 missed calls I clicked one number "Hello hello?" I said

"Are you Sydney the fiancé of Carter?"

"Yes I am."

"I'm sorry to tell you this over the phone but Carter has been shot and killed this morning at 11:30 am I need you to come down to the station and view this body."

"Get off my phone playing." I hung up I've been down this rode before

"What was that all about?" Serena asked

"Girl nothing somebody playing on my phone lets go back to the house."

She nodded


Pulling up to the house Terrance stood there with tears in his eyes "Sydney im so sorry." Terrance said pulling me into a hug

"What's the matter terrance." I said nervously

"Carter died Sydney that little bastard Will he killed Carter." Terrance said crying so hard he could barely get the words out

My heart dropped tears fell from my eyes "Noooooooooooooo." I yelled falling on the ground

Serena quickly ran trying to help me up "How could this have happened Carter!"

Terrance dropped to his knees "Im going to fucking kill him. He took my brother from me now I must take his life." Terrance said running to his car

"Terrance no wait." Serena yelled out holding onto her stomach

He didn't listen he zoomed off in his car.

Words can't describe how It feels losing the love of your life is never easy. Just then my phone rang, But Serena answered it I just sat here completely still my body wouldn't allow me to make any movements "here Sydney." Serena held the phone up to my ear

"Sydney you are indeed pregnant." I slammed the phone

Why my me, just then everything went black.


I mean you never knew what was gonna happen or when. I've done too much to turn back, and I've done too much to go on. I guess in the end it all catches up with you. Sydney asked me one time if I care whether I live or die. Yeah, I do. Now it's too late


It was dark where I was my body laid still After life was like this? I felt two taps of my shoulder I opened my eyes and there stood my brother and mom. I jumped to my feet hugging them both placing kisses on them both "You don't know how much I've missed you two I almost didn't make it."

"I've missed you bro, but I've been watching you along the way." Kev said. He was older he aged looked much different from the last time I saw him I just stared taking in their features

"Mom who killed you." She shook her head

"It doesn't matter sweetheart I've been in a much better place me and your brother have been watching over you. I'm sorry your life ended the way it did but your starting a new one with us." She said nodding at me

I looked down and noticed I was in all white the same thing they both were wearing. "What about Sydney?"

"She has to stay on earth and take care of her baby." My mother said

"She's pregnant?"

"Yes son you'll watch over them both doing your best to protect them from up here as I tried my best for you lets go."


I hope you've enjoyed the story and I hope your not at all mad about how the story ended. Let's not forget Carter wasn't a good person at the start he did many terriable things although he tried changing his life in the end the damage was done, again thank you for the supporters I love you and until next time!

If there are any questions feel free to ask

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