Chapter 7

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*Jewell POV* 

Everything has been crazy for the past few days man. Kai's ex girlfriends dad died and now her cousins daughter is in the hospital fighting for her life. I don't see how Kai does it. She gets up everyday and acts like life is just perfect for her. I've never seen her cry or show a sad emotion. She's always the one to try and cheer everyone up. She gave Nyla some good advice, Nyla needs to be there for Salone right now. Their relationship is so perfect and so strong I don't see why bad things keep happening to them. 

We're taking Cashus home with us... I kinda wish Kai didn't volunteer to babysit tho... I know she wants to help but I don't really know how to care for an infant... Aziza was different, she can walk, talk and go to the bathroom by herself.... This is a baby. Like all the crying and stuff I can't deal with. I want kids but I don't think I'm ready. Kai wants a baby but we agreed to wait. Besides she's not done with high school and she needs to start college and we have to have a place of our own. We're not ready nor financially stable enough to care for a child. I'm glad this is just for the night.

We ended up stopping at Walmart to get more diapers.... luckily Nyla packed the whole container of baby milk cause that shit is expensive... another reason ion want kids... they cost too much. Cashus is fast asleep in the carrier attached to the shopping cart. Kai looks so cute pushing the cart with the baby. I can't help but daydream how she would be with our kids. I can't wait til we officially make things official. We're gonna be the perfect family! Me and Kai are meant for each other. Our relationship is gonna have a strong foundation to stand on. I trust her with every bone in my body. I love her with every bit of breath in me. I can't go a day without seeing her, touching/feeling her, or hearing her voice. That is my world. She is my backbone.

By the time we checked out and made it to the car it was 1a.m. I'm sleepy as fuck and Kai looks so tired! I just wanna get home and lay down! 

"Babe you hungry? We can grab something to eat so you wont have to fix anything, I know you're tired." Kai offers as she pulls out of the parking lot.

"I mean I don't care, whatever you wanna do... I just wanna lay down."

"Want some Steak&Shake?" She knows thats my favorite place... My face lights up and I smile real hard.

"Duhhh dummy! Thats my spot!" I laugh, resting my head on the window.

"I thought ya spot was ya neck... my bad...." she laughs at her own joke

"You're not funny ... thats why you paying for my food!" I smirk 

"Thats cool, you know I always got you... but just know you gone pay me back when we get home." she returns the smirk 

"Nasty! We can't! We watching the baby remember? Now hurry up and go to drive thru."

We get our food and head home. I've never been so happy to see our drive way. I get out of the car, going to the backseat to get Cashus while Kai gets the diapers and food. We look like parents totting all of this stuff into the house. 

We get inside and sit all of the stuff down, catching our breath.

"Thats everything?" Kai asks closing the front door.

"Yea I got Cashus and the diaper bag.."

"I got everything else off the back seat.. So I guess we can finally sit down."

"You mean lay down?" I grab my food and the baby carrier with Cashus inside, walking to the couch. "I can't do those steps tonight ... I'm sleeping down here."

"I was just about to say the same thing." 

"Go get my heated blanket... please baeeeeee?" I poke out my bottom lip at her.

"Ughhh, you're such a baby"

"I'm your baby tho." She gets up and goes to get my blanket... yayyy

We sit and eat, watching tv til we dosed off. Around 4:20a.m. Cashus started crying.... dammit. I got up and fixed a bottle, rocking her back to sleep and dosing back off with her..

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