Chapter 18

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*Jewelle's POV*

I really can't believe Kai left me here by myself. She really meant what she said. I know I've been really difficult lately.. But I didn't expect her  really leave me. I don't even know where she's staying. What if she finds someone else in the next couple of days?? What if she already has found someone else?? This shit finna bother the hell out of me til she decides to come back home. I can't change by myself. I needs Kai's help ... But I know I'm pushing her away.

I know I've been annoying and irritating lately but I don't want her to leave me. I just been in my feelings... Not once did I think this would happen. Now I'm sitting here possibly about to lose the only person in this world that cares about me. Ugh .

I'm such a fuck up.

*pulls out phone* (texts Kai)

-hey I know you said you need your space but I just want you to know that I love you with all my heart and I really want to fix us. Just give me another chance please? Come home? We can just talk it out, I'll listen. Please just don't leave Kai.

-That's it?

See this the shit I can't deal with. I'm basically sitting here begging Kai and she treats me like this. Where the fuck is she any fucking ways ! She wouldn't have left if she didn't have anywhere to go. i swear to God I'm tired of always going through bullshit and crazy situations. She just needs to come home so we can talk.

-Kai where are you?
-Over Treasure's what's up?
-Oh okay

Fuck it. I'm just gonna go over there and see her and try to talk things out fuck it. I'm not about to lose her !

*calls Treasure*

-Hey Treasure I'm on my way over to talk to Kai don't tell her I'm coming can you leave your door unlocked?
-Um .... Jewelle .... Have you forgotten where I moved to? Kai isn't here.
-oh yea..... It slipped my mind.
-what's going on?
-Nothing... Let me call you back.

Why would Kai lie to me????

*calls Kai*

-Yea wassup?
-Where are you Kai???
-because I'm about to come see you and talk things out! Where are you?
-Jew I'll come over and talk to you later I'm busy right now. I told you we need space ... Go enjoy the day.
-How when I don't know where you are???
-You can have fun without me Jew.
-bye Kai.
-see you later

Ugh what the fuck.... You know what.. Ima just go get me some ice cream and come home and watch Netflix. I'll just spend some time alone and let her clear her head.

*Kai POV*

I've been gone for literally not even a full 24 hours and Jewelle already can't handle me not being around. Maybe that's a good thing. She needs to know that I don't have to stay and deal with her bullshit. I'm an adult! I have a mind of my own. My life isn't wrapped around her finger she can't make me do anything or take people I choose to have dealings with away. I have control of me !

"What's on your mind sweetheart?"

I've been at Mickey's house since I left Jew yesterday morning & I really haven't thought about the situation up until Jew text me the first time today.

"Nothing just tired of stressing"
"Then don't ... Duh"
"I wish it was that easy"
"You don't think it is?"
"Hell naa"
"Why come?"
"Because of who I am and the life I lead"
"Pfft that goes for anybody.. Everybody has gone and is going through something"
"True enough, what's your story?"
"What do you mean my story?"
"What have you gone through or going through?"
"Well right now I'm conflicted with my feelings for you.... And knowing you have a girl .... Sucks 10x more for me"
"What exactly are your feelings for me?"
"I'm sure it's obvious... hell it was obvious the first time I spoke to you wasn't it?"

I can't help but grin just thinking about Mickey and how you crushing on the kid. Here I am with a girl I barely even know and it lowkey feel like I've known here forever the way we just vibe and chill... maybe I'm conflicted about how I feel about her but shit ... when me and Jew having the problems that we having how can I not be? I got a girl that'll bitch my ear off and argue with me all week then here go Mickey who listen to me and will give me straight honesty along with some good ass advice. Mickey even cooked for me and rubbed my back when I was done. Things used to be like that with Jew. I don't know what the fuck went wrong. I wish me and Jew could get back like that but I'm starting to feel as though we won't.... I don't know. I'm just gonna enjoy this relaxation over here at Mickey's while I have the chance.

"It was pretty obvious but once I spoke about having a girl you pretty much shut down your flirting and went straight for being my friend.."
"So exactly. I like you but I'm not a homewrecker. I'll be here for you when you need me... and that's all I can do for now."

She smirked at me and got off the couch heading into the kitchen .... I couldn't help but follow.

"I can't help but imagine what it would be like if you were my girl... if I wasn't in the situation I'm in and we ended up together... I just wonder how it would be."
"It would be just like it is now... but I'd be able to do all the things I've dreamt of plus all the things you're thinking of..."

Man I don't know what the hell hit me but that shit hit me hard and fast. It was like fireworks went off and I had only a few seconds to decide what I was gonna do and within an instant I was holding Mickey by her waist and kissing her. As crazy as it seemed it felt right. It felt like I had kissed Greyson..... it was love hitting my ass so fucking hard I could barely stand it. And I was falling after the hit. Mickey pulled away from me slowly and looked really sad. I didn't understand.

"What? What's the matter?"
"I can't be with you Kai. I would never want to take you away from someone. You ever hear somebody say 'you'll lose em the same way you got em' ... I don't wanna lose you if I have the chance to have you ....."

Damn .. and I couldn't even find the words to explain why I did what I did... I just stood there.

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