Chapter 13: Failure

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Timeskip brought to you by chibi students listening to their chibi subject teacher.

After an hour, their subject ended as all of them went to the locker room where they usually store anything related to the school.

While the gang is walking, Momoyo is secretly following them. A stalker per se. Together with Goku and Vegeta.

Vegeta - Are you sure you wanted to follow them, Momoyo? Because Yamato already sensed us that we are following them. And I thought you will do this after school. He whispered to Momoyo.

Momoyo - Guys, I need to do this in order to talk to Yamato person to person because that's what Belphegor said to me and I want that to happen now. She whispered back.

Goku - Okay, Anything you wanted to do just call us okay? I better go to my second class together with Vegeta. Don't want to be late.

Momoyo - Okay guys. You can go ahead.

Goku uses his Instant Transmission and Vegeta touched his back and they teleported in front of their classroom's door.

When Goku opened the door, they saw that there is still no teacher. Without hesitation, they went in and proceed to their seats.

Yamato immediately sensed who is following them and he instantly knew who is that person is but he go with the flow as let it be.

Yamato - Guys. He called.

Tachibana - What is it Yamato?

Yamato - I need to go to comfort room for a bit. I'll be back in 5 minutes.

Shouichi - Okay. But attend to our next subject. After we go to the locker room, we will proceed to our classroom.

Yamato - Got it.

Yamato then leave the group and went to the direction where the comfort room is.

Momoyo then noticed that Yamato changed his direction and so, she followed him.

After a few minutes, Yamato arrived at the comfort room. He then entered the room.

Momoyo on the other hand, hid behind on a wall and waited for Yamato to come out.

Inside of the comfort room.

Yamato - Demon Release: Commence! He whispered.

A red orb suddenly came out on his body and soon enough the orb became Belphegor in his human form.

Belphegor - You've summoned me, Yamato. What can I do for you?

Yamato - I want you to make sure that Momoyo's plan will fail okay? And tell her that don't she dare stalk me again because bad things will happen.

Belphegor - Got it.

Belphegor then went outside of the comfort room and teleported behind Momoyo.

When Momoyo turned around, she saw Belphegor right in front of her face and as she taken aback and gasped in surprise.

Momoyo - Whoa! Belphegor! You scared me. So where's Yamato?

Belphegor suddenly grabbed Momoyo and threw her to the window like a boss, destroying it in the process.

Momoyo landed on the ground very hard causing the ground to create cracks.

Momoyo - Oww..... Geez, why did he suddenly threw me?

At the building

Belphegor instantly transformed to his orb form and possess Yamato, who just recently came out of the comfort room.

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