Chapter 5: Truth revealed

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After Yamato slammed the door, Takuya said to Yamato,

Takuya - Don't you think that you are little too tough on Momoyo?

Yamato - Tough? What do you mean? I only did what is necessary.

Takuya - I mean you banished her a while ago and she almost killed us all but since you have powers, you can revive us all anytime you want. He explained.

Yamato then think about it and after a while, he said,

Yamato - Look. Yes, she almost killed you and the others but what if I don't have any powers? What will happen to you and to everyone? If that happens, all I can do is to mourn to your death, not doing anything just because I don't have healing powers. You should consider yourself lucky that I have powers if not, then death will happen to us well except for Momoyo because she has techniques that she can recover. He explained.

Takuya - Now that you mentioned it, it is true. But will you forgive Momoyo?

Yamato - Like I said earlier, if a person did is unforgivable, then obviously I will not forgive them unless they have specific and genuine reasons and also if they are not lying. It will take years for me to forgive someone if they don't have reasons at all.

Takuya - Uh-huh. I see. One last question before we end this conversation.

Yamato - Go ahead. I'm all ears.

Takuya - If you can't forgive others, does that mean you can't forgive yourself?

Yamato - I will give you a straight answer. Yes I can forgive myself but I can't forgive others. That is my personality.

Takuya - I see. Thanks.

Yamato - No. Thank you, Takuya for talking to me.

Takuya - Your welcome.

With that, Takuya joined the others while Yamato sat down on the couch thinking about Takuya's question.

'Takuya - If you can't forgive others, does that mean you can't forgive yourself?'

Yamato - Damn. That question is really hard to answer. I'm really glad that I gave him an answer otherwise I'll suffer from headache by thinking it too much.

With Momoyo

When Momoyo reached the temple, she knocked the door three times.

Tesshin - Coming.

When Tesshin opened the door, he saw her granddaughter.

Tesshin - Oh, Momoyo what brings you here?

Momoyo - May I come in? So that I can explain what happened to me.

Tesshin - Sure.

Tesshin then let his granddaughter come in and they sat down.

Tesshin - So, what do you want to talk about?

Momoyo - It's all about Yamato and myself.

Tesshin - Why do you want to know more about Yamato?

Momoyo - I'll go straight to the point. Did you train Yamato when he was a kid?

Tesshin POV

Tesshin - Truth to be told, yes I trained him. Years ago, the weather is rainy and I was walking across the street, I saw a malnourished boy, searching for food, water and clothing. I felt pity on him because of his appearance. I said to myself,

Young Tesshin - Oh that boy sure is malnourished. How awful. Maybe I should help him.

And so I went to the boy and offered,

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