Twenty Seven

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Aimee, 3 Days Later...

I jump down from the top of the large storage boxes I am currently hiding on. I couldn't stand the fact that I was cooped up in the hospital, while Noah and Captain Hamilton were out on the battle field. So, I forced myself to get better, and now, I am on a mission to gather more intel.

The nemesis agent walks past and I sneak down from behind them and send a cricket ball flying to the spot on their head which wouldn't cause much damage, but would knock them unconscious, and the agent drops to the ground. I step over them and grab the pin on their uniform which symbolises that they are a part of Nemesis. I take the agent's cap, and put it on, and pin the circular little pin on my combat uniform. The uniform was designed to look very similar to the one the unconscious agent is wearing. The pin is striped white and red, and in the centre of it, is a black star. It looks evil. This is what Nemesis is. The opposite of America.

I walk around the storage level and find Hamilton and Noah in the proposed meeting spot. They also have found the same cap and pins, which are in place on the left shoulder of their uniforms.

"Alright. Meet in the same spot. Ready?" Hamilton asks. I nod.

We climb in the elevator and we climb out at our various destinations. I studied the shift changes for the strike team guards, which is who I am disguised am, so that I could easily sneak into one of the main offices. Nemesis is by no means a tiny backyard organisation. The office is hidden in plain sight, and I can see that they are not lacking any funds. Their technology is high quality. This is scary stuff.

I open the door and nod to the guard at the door that they can leave. They do and I stand in their position, standing the same old guard pose. My eyes scan the room quickly. There is an empty computer, but I'm not sure how I will get there. I scan the room. There are people sitting at almost every computer, and the head of the department is seated at a desk in the very front of the room. Behind her, is a very large screen, and on it, is a map of America, with a huge red pulsing dot over New York and another over Washington DC. Off to the left in computer block letters, are the worlds: Organisation for International Peace and Welfare, Washington DC and International Business Regulation and Trade Organisation, New York. The OIPW (Organisation for International Peace and Welfare)  was established after the last troops left the Middle East,which helps to keep all nations around the world in peace and optimal relations. It is the symbol of peace world wide. A tracking it would be an attack to world peace. The IBRTO, International Business Regulation and Trade Organisation, regulates all the businesses which are international. It is basically the most important business building in America... Attacking it would mean an attack on the welfare of international business. Not only will it effect America, targeting both of these buildings means targeting the world. Then, my eyes drift upwards. The top of the screen reads, attack sequence initiated. Nemesis is going to attack America, right now, and I'm in the centre of it.

"Black Alpha in, Mad Dog, come in. I haven't found anything." I hear Noah's voice fill the coms inside my earpiece.

"Mad Dog in. I haven't found anything either. Red Dragon, what's your status?" Hamilton answers.

"Excomm level 5. Is the threat neutralised?" I whisper, but the other eyes in the room look at me. I had to add the last bit in to make it look like I was referring to a threat in the building.

"Agent, do we have a problem?" The head of the department asks me.

"No, ma'am." I answer and nod. I heard the other agents in the room call her ma'am, so I followed suit. "It was a false alarm. One of the security agents on the bottom floor believed there was an infiltration, but he is a rookie and is a bit trigger happy." I laugh, and so does she.

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