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I look down at Aimee's plastic tie. She has completely sawed it through, and she takes it off slowly, not dropping it on the floor. She untucks her hands and eyes the man in front of us.

"Well since we have established that we are not working for the American government, can we please leave?" Aimee asks, tilting her head to the side.

"No can do. We have to wait for work from our superiors before we let you go." He exits the room and Aimee sighs.

"The situation is obviously pretty delicate. We possess a threat. We have seen them in action, and have technically hurt an operative, so therefore, we need to play it safe." Aimee explains and shakes her arm out. She hands me the saw. "Keep your hands behind your back when they come inside. Then, we attack and make our way of here. I taught you knockout pressure points remember? These guards are armed. Take their weapons, we have a chance of escaping. I don't know what waits behind those doors, but we need to get out of here, yes?" Aimee explains and I nod, sawing through the plastic ties.

The door opens again, and I keep on sawing. Aimee's hands are clasped behind the chair that's she was tied to, and her eyes were trained with fierce determination into the guards. I quickly sawed through the tie, and found the plastic tie was finally loose. I slipped my hands out of it and turned to Aimee.

She nodded. At the same time, we were up in a flash, and I took one of the men while Aimee focused on the other. I unfortunately, I got the bigger guy. We were around the same height, around 6,3, but, while I was more muscular, he was even more so, and even so, that is saying a little.

He threw a punch to my cheek, but luckily, I could read quick enough and punches him in the gut. He groaned, but regained his posture just as quickly as he lost it. These men were experienced, but luckily, being a little bit lighter, it gives me more agility. I managed to hit him in the gut a few times, using his slowness to my advantage. After he threw a punch, I threw one hit as quickly. I eventually found the pressure point, and the man dropped to the floor. I slapped my hands together and sighed.

"Easy peasy." I lie. I am sweating like a dog, and my arms ache. I believe it is also the side effects of the drug they used to knock us out cold, as Aimee also looks exhausted. She hits a pressure point in the neck and disarms her man. I already did so and we walk over to the door, and hold the guns out, ready to aim.

"Did you find an extra round?" She asks, as she adjusts the gun to make it more comfortable for her. I nod, and hold up a magazine full of bullets. "Can you kick open the door? The dude punched me in a healing scar in my leg. I have no idea how he found it, but it's excruciating and I can't move my leg." She explains and beckons for me to kick it in. Like an intelligent person, I first check the doorknob. It's locked. I psych myself up and kick it hard in the centre. And the door dents, but doesn't move. I shrug and kick it in the same place and the door dents even more, but still doesn't open. This time, I kick it with a extreme force and the door clangs as it hits the floor. Aimee gives me a thumbs up, but as I look down, I see her wound has opened up and blood is spewing out of her leg. She sways a little and squeezes her eyes shut.

I lift her up to carry her, and she is so light in my arms. She jumps as I lift her, but relaxes with a small sigh of relief. "Thank you." She whispers and we head out the door. The corridor is completely empty, and so I walk down it, trying to manage holding Aimee and holding a gun. Not an easy feat I tell you.

Aimee looks around. "Hand me the gun. You walk." I do so, and Aimee holds it up in a shooting position. We come to a corner. "Go left." She whispers and peeks in the corridor with her gun in front of her. She nods her head, giving me the all clear and we walk into the corridor.

The corridor is surprisingly empty. There are doors which lead into it, but all are suspiciously closed. I look down at Aimee and raise an eyebrow. I can see she is feeling the exact same thing. What the hell is this place? It makes no sense.

Eventually, we continue to walk through the corridor and land up at a main entrance it looks like. There are huge glass doors which look like they lead outside. I break out into a run and Aimee bounces in my arms. She groans, and my hands slip and she falls to the floor. Luckily, I didn't continue running, otherwise I would've fallen on her. Aimee yelps, as she falls to the floor, her face scrunched up in pain.

"Help me up. I can walk. Let's keep going." She orders, determined. I lift her to her feet and she winces, but then we break out into a run away from the big building. We reach a high fence, and it looks like this building is some sort of prison with the wire fencing and the fact that it is completely surrounded by absolutely nothing. There is no sign of civilisation, other than the building which we had just exited. Where the hell are we? This makes no sense whatsoever. Aimee looks around wide eyed.

"I think we... I think we are in Death Valley." She whispers, her eyes wide.

"What the hell is Death Valley, and why on earth does it sound like something ominous is about to happen?" I ask, cringing at the name. Aimee looks sadly at me.

"Death Valley is one of the hottest places on earth. It reaches temperatures almost as high as those in the Middle East. That's one of the reasons why it's called Death Valley." She looks around worryingly. "We are about 150 miles from Las Vegas." She states and I almost have a heart attack.

"150 miles? That's absolutely ridiculous! How on earth are we meant to get back to Los Angeles?!" I yell frustrated. Aimee shakes her head.

"I don't know." She whispers, "I don't know."

"Well you better think of something quickly!" I yell, becoming angry. This is all her fault! "This is all your fault!" I scream. "You got us in this position!" She stays silent. I just want to scream. How on earth are we meant to get home without dying? We are basically stranded in the middle of a desert, with no food, no water, no way of getting back.

"You are absolutely infuriating!" I shout.

"How can I be infuriating? You are the one that screwed everything up! I can't believe you, Aimee!" Noah yells. He is fuming. Absolutely fuming. If we are in a cartoon, smoke would be coming out of his ears. It was not my fault! I was mad too though. I was hella mad, I clenched my fists, and dug my nails into my palm. I cannot believe him!

"How is this my fault? How was I supposed to know that this was going to happen?! How would I know!? You cannot blame this on ME!" I scream. Noah still looks furious. He glares at me intensely and I shake my head and bite the inside of my cheek, before I say something I regret.

"You are the spy! You should have anticipated this! That's why it's all your fault. I put my life in your hands. Your hands!" He screams at me. I flinch.

"I cannot be responsible for you! You knew what you getting into. Look, I know you are extremely angry-" he gives me a pointed look, with a glare, and if looks could kill, man I would be buried far under the ground. "-but it will not help. We need a plan of action. I don't have any intention in dying here. We hit the base. We grab a phone or something. I will phone the base and get us airlifted. We can do this, Noah." Noah continues to glare at me, still fuming. His left foot taps impatiently on the ground.

"Fine." He snaps, and he walks to a tree. "First, we sleep." I nod. Game on, and I glare at the back of Noah's head. Man, he gets on my nerves. He is the most infuriating man I have ever met!

Miss Classified  (Book 3 of the Miss Series)Where stories live. Discover now