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Aimee (Noah above^^ that's Micheal B. Jordan... Man alive <3)

Over the next few weeks, I had helped to train Noah and his extremely annoying counterpart. She pretends to like you, and acts all sugar and spice, but inside, she's a rotten apple. Its so obvious, yet hardly anyone realises that she is actually a virus who wants to rule you. It's clear Noah is completely oblivious to it, in fact, he looks smitten with her, and follows her around like a puppy. The two of them combined is like the joker and his sidekick. Infuriating, but they both have some potential to take over the world if they really put their heads together. I often walk into Noah's dressing room, in order to speak to him about the next scene, and what it entails. I always knock, but whenever there is no answer, I peek in the door, and find the two of them blending their faces together to create art. It's disgusting, and it happens every. Single. Time.

I don't understand what he sees in her. She's cunning and a typical physical representation of a Barbie. Except, she's clever. Extremely clever. Georgina looks at me, as I walk into Noah's dressing room. They are not kissing, but it looks like I have just interrupted an extremely important conversation. I shrug. Oh well.

"We have an important scene today." I explain and open the script. Georgina rolls her eyes. I sit on the couch opposite the loveseat the two of them are cuddling on.

"I wish you would just leave us alone! Can't you see we are busy?" Georgina scoffs, glaring at me. I roll my eyes, and continue.

"Georgina, you are going to be standing on top of the burning building. Are you fine to swing with Noah as he jumps off of it?" I continue, as I examine the script, and ignore her statement. It's amazing how detailed it is. Everything is laid out in a logical way and Rob has scribbled all over my script, to describe to me how he wants me to do the scenes. Rob has also discovered that I am very good at creating fight scenes, from all my experience of the different scenarios I have found myself in. So, instead of hiring a fight scene choreographer, he decided to use me as well. It has been a lot of fun, but I prefer being out on the field. It's not my job to be here and direct a movie. My job is to be out there combatting terrorism. I understand that they need this drone program, but I feel useless. Especially when Georgina looks at me like I'm a bug under her shoe.

Georgina glares at me. "Are you deaf?" She snaps, "We we're talking!"

"Just answer the question and we can continue later." Noah butts in. She looks at Noah and blinks, she turns and sighs.

"Were you joking?" She laughs sarcastically, "I am not risking my life amongst the flames. People need me alive! Get my stunt double on it. I do the scenes I want to. It's in my contract." Patience, Aimee. Patience.

"The flames aren't real." I decide to add. Georgina looks at me like I'm insane.

"I know that!" She snaps, "Do you think I am stupid? Maybe you should look in the mirror, honey."

"What is your issue?" I ask, matter-of-factly, Georgina looks taken aback that I dared to question her.

"Excuse me?"

"Why do you treat me like I am below you?" I question, but not in an angry manner. In fact I am extremely melancholy about it. I don't act mad, even though she is getting on my nerves. She wants to push all my buttons - she wants a reaction. She is not going to get one, but I will stand up for my honour. Georgina looks at me pointedly. I laugh. "You think I am!" I scoff. "Well, I feel sorry for you." I smile sarcastically at her and walk out. I glance at Noah, who clearly hasn't heard one single thing in the conversation. He has been scrolling through Instagram this entire time. He doesn't even look at me as I raise from the couch.

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