Twenty Six

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Noah walks me to the front door. His arm tucked over my shoulder. When I reach for my keys, his hands hold my face and he kisses me again. He pushes me against my front door, and my hands find his face. I can feel his dimples with my fingers as he smiles while kissing me.

We break apart and he lets me unlock my door. I wave him off and watch as he sits in his car, motioning for me to go in. I wave to him, open my door and close it and lock it behind me as I step inside. I rest my head against it and close my eyes, and smirk like a damn fool. I'm such a goner.

A odd stench hits my nose. I force my eyes open. Something isn't right... I take off my high heels and open the table which stands next to my front door's drawer and load my gun. I walk into my living room, my gun held in front of me. Suddenly, my neck becomes so tight that I can't breathe. Someone is trying to strangle me. I kick my leg behind me between the person's two legs. The someone is a male, as he grunts in pain but doesn't move. I grab his arms, which are holding the rope strangling my neck and with all my strength, I fling him over me.

We struggle, and I land on top of him. He knocks the gun out of my hand, and it skids across the floor, into the kitchen. He turns us over so that he is on top, and he reaches into his pocket for a knife. I use my leg to hook his leg and I turn us over again. He tries to stab me, but I dodge him multiple times and look for where I store my other weapons. My eyes find the spot: under the couch. I knew him in his... parts, which seems to shock him and I scramble off him quickly and rush to the couch and grab my other gun and I hold it up. He laughs.

"You think that will stop me, Miss Johnson?" He mocks.

"It's Agent. Agent Johnson. Put down the knife." I motion to the scary knife in his hand. He laughs again, and it's a scary laugh, scarier than all the villains I can think of pit together. Maybe it's because he is holding a sinister-looking knife.

"You think you can take me little girl?" He chuckles and runs and tackles me. The force of his impact sends me flying through the glass window of my living room. The glass shatters all around me and I can feel some of the shards have embedded themselves into the flesh in my back. I grimace and grunt. I stand up quickly, which sends a jolt of pain coming from my back which causes me to stumble.

The man is standing in the living room, looking at me, laughing. I held onto the gun in my fall and I shoot him in his shoulder, shattering his clavicle. He clutches his shoulder in agony, and I jump through the window, which was not that difficult, as my dress from tonight's activities was ripped in my stunt with the glass window. I use the butt of my gun to knock him in the head and he collapses to the floor, unconscious. Then, I collapse next to him. I am careful not to land on my back, and the action sends another jolt of pain into my body.

My ringtone, Knocking on Heaven's Door, by Guns and Roses fills the eerie silence. I left my bag on the table by my front door. I groan, as I am left on the floor. I can't stand up, I don't have enough strength to do so. So I crawl, pain flooding my senses with every move I make. I swear in every language I know.

When I finally reach my phone, I collapse against the wall in relief., careful not to land on my back. I answer my phone, but don't have it in me to say anything.

"Hello?" The person asks. I blink away tears and try to fight losing my consciousness. My body is trying to help me ignore the pain by putting me to sleep. I open my eyes and the room spins. I can hear the person's voice but what they are saying is not registering in my mind. "Hello? HELLO?" They start to shout as I don't answer.

"Agent Johnson spe-." I manage to get out before breaking into a coughing fit. It hurts.

"Aimee?" It's Noah.

Miss Classified  (Book 3 of the Miss Series)Where stories live. Discover now