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"Well Noah, now that you have revealed my profession to the world, I will see you tomorrow morning at the film studio." I finished and put down the phone. The couple stare at me as if I have suddenly turned into a goat. "Well, I guess that answers a lot." I state, breaking the silence.

"You're... You're..." Alex starts completely dumb folded.

"A spy." Dylan finishes, somewhat surprised at the word coming out of his mouth. I burst out laughing.

"No I'm not." I lie. "I act as a spy in the movie. Noah was threatening my role." I laugh and their expressions. Oh it is fun to mess with them.

"So you aren't an actual spy?" Alex shakes her head.

"Nope." I smile. "Unfortunately." I wink. Not a proper spy anymore, so I guess it is not really a lie...

I arrive back at my hotel after coffee with Alex and Dylan. I even got an invitation to their wedding which is taking place in six months. I wasn't so lucky as to get an invitation to be a bridesmaid, but I guess we fell out of touch for a few years.

I am stopped at the reception before I go to my room. "I think this package is for you!"
The receptionist hands me a cardboard box. "Will you sign here please?" The receptionist points to a line and I put my signature there. I thank her and take the elevator to my room.

When I arrive, I grab my pocketknife, and then rip open the box. Inside is a Manila folder, as well as a pair of black Gucci heels, which are my size exactly. I have never owned Gucci heels before. I open the Manila folder and almost choke. Inside are pictures of me meeting with Will in the library, with the word "traitor" in red ink written all over the photo, save for our two faces. I examine the contents more and find a spy report, like the ones I would write out after a mission. It accuses me of being a member of Nemesis and thus a terrorist. This places targets all over my back. It details things about our meeting, and adds incorrect and false information about what we spoke about. It makes out as if we were planning the attack on Korea, and not me trying to get away from my traitor brother. The last item in the folder is an envelope with my name written on the front. Inside I find a handwritten letter, written with a font I don't recognise.


You will be a valuable asset to Nemesis. You have proved yourself more than worthy to be a part of our organ situation. We are well acquainted with your work. We know you to be an excellent spy, which is something the American government clearly does not treasure. You are magnificent at what you do, and we find it absolutely horrific that you are being forced to give up your freedom in order to gain fame and help the movie company.

We know this is not what you want.

So, we offer you an alternative, we want you to come and see what we are about, and we are asking you nicely. We need someone with you very refined skill set on our team. Nemesis is a worthy cause. It is time for America to be restored into the pillar of the world it once was, and not full of the corruption which has left it in disarray.

We need your help.

We only ask nicely once. Failure to meet with us will mean serious consequences. Starting with sending in this folder to the American government. We will feed you to the wolves, Aimee. You are either for us or against us. Now it's time to chose.

Meeting place: Calvary Cemetery, in the mausoleum, 4 am tonight.

Yours Faithfully,
Timothy Magnus.

Post script: the Gucci heels are a show of good faith. Wear them tonight.

Classic. That is such a classic threat. Am I scared? No. Why should I be? Ladies and Gentlemen, What we have here is a bully. I look on the box for a return address and find none, which is pretty annoying. I am not going to wear the heels. They resemble blood diamonds for me. I refuse to succumb to their temptation. I stuff them back in the box before I can change my mind and look at my watch. It is eleven pm, and so I might as well sleep. I set an alarm for three and let sleep overcome my exhaustion.

My alarm blares in my ears. I groan and turn it off. I change into a pair of black sweatpants, a black shirt and throw a light blue bomber jacket over it. I slip into white sneakers and tie my hair into a pony. I gather the heels in the box and exit the hotel which is still up and about. It is New York, so I am not really surprised. I catch a cab, even though it is three thirty in the morning to the cemetery.

Sure enough, the mausoleum door is open and I can see a slither of light escaping it in the darkness. The graveyard is creepy and sinister looking, but I am not really afraid. I have been in worse situations than in an empty graveyard in the middle of the night. I walk into the small building, and it smells like dirt and dust.

"Aimee! You arrived!" A man I do not recognise states, he must be-

"My name is Timothy." He smiles and holds out his hand. "The writer of your love letter." He smiles, but it is not genuine, like there is something he is hiding. I can't help but feel that this whole place is dotted with ominous clouds, and I feel that I should get out I here as quickly as possible.

"I did not come to negotiate. I am not joining Nemesis. You can have your show of good faith present back. I could never wear them, and while I appreciate it, I find it quite sickening that you threaten me with framing me and then you want to give me shoes? No thank you. Well, that's all I came here for, so if you'll excuse me, don't write to me again. Don't think about me or call me, because I can promise you one thing, I am going to end Nemesis. Threaten me all you like. I have had a target on my back since my first op, which was infiltrating your base for the first time. I am not blind to the fact that you know about a lot of my missions. I am not blind to the huge wanted poster I probably have hung in all of your offices. I am not a fool, Timothy. Tell that to your leaders. I am not someone you want to mess with." I smile, drop the box, with a tinge of sorrow for the loss of a beautiful pair of shoes, and walk out of the door and I catch a cab and return back to the hotel.

I think I should buy myself a pair.

Filming commenced immediately. We filmed a lot of location, and currently, we are filming in Central Park. The Gucci high heels clack against the brick paving, and I can't help by feel proud. I decided to go and buy myself a pair, a little different, but I love them even more. There are so comfortable, and they make me feel badass. Even though I technically am one already.

"Aimee!" Noah calls, waking me out of my daydream and I purposefully clack the heels. I like the sound. I am currently wearing a pair of formal black pants, a navy blouse, my new Gucci heels, and my hair is tied into a regal knot at the top of my head. Finally, I am wearing a brown pea coat, which finishes off my look perfectly.

We start to film the scene and I immediately recognise the section. We are a couple of words away from the kiss.

I psych myself up - and before I could register what was actually happening, I felt his lips capture mine. He is a really good kisser. Seriously. His lips capture mine and it isn't meant to be a short kiss, but a meaningful one. This is the one which makes him fall under my trap in the movie. We pull away, and I grab his suit jacket and pull him closer to me again, as it says to in the script and he laughs, and we kiss again. It is perfectly staged, but I have to admit it is absolutely brilliant. If sparks existed, they would be flying now, and there would be fireworks shooting above us.

"Wow." He whispers, and even though it isn't part of the script, it fits perfectly. I turn and walk away, and leave him standing there all alone. Before I can help myself, I reach up to touch my swollen lips, but I don't look back.

Miss Classified  (Book 3 of the Miss Series)Where stories live. Discover now