❄ Spring Day ❄

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Code -- A

December 21st

The boy stands still, the cold air blowing around him. The protective covers of the train station shield him from the snow.

He looks around to see if there was anyone else present. There isn't another soul standing before the frozen train tracks. 

The boy steps off and onto the snowy ground, where the tracks lay, caked in snow. He steps in between the two tracks and kneels, his knees touching the cold ground. 

He looks down, his ungloved fingers reaching out and brushing the powdered snow. The cold touch makes his fingers numb.

Then his hands grab the train tracks in front of him. His fingers clasp around the snowy, icy surface.

The boy leans his face on the train tracks. His body lies there, cold and desperate. He looks in front of him.

The sound of an incoming train rings in his ears as the train itself comes closer.

January 26th

Shoto Todoroki walks across the snow, his boots producing a crunching sound. His cheeks are numb from the cold. His fingers are wrapped tightly around a bouquet, small ice particles forming around the edge of the petals. 

His footsteps are slow as they drag across the snow-covered grass. He sees the graveyard up ahead. Familiar faces crowd around a particular casket, tears dripping down their faces. Shoto inhales deeply, the cold air slicing through his lungs.

He picks up his pace, his body nearing the crowd. His grip tightens around the bouquet as he fights back tears. 

The air is cold today. Small snowflakes dance around with the wind. 

Shoto feels a teardrop slide down his face. He doesn't bother to wipe it away. Instead, he walks toward the group of people.

A casket is lying down in the snow. People surround it, tears all decorating their grieving faces. Presents, flowers, and everything else the people had to offer, surround the bottom of the casket. 

Shoto bends down and carefully sets the bouquet down. His eyes trace up to the face of the person lying inside the casket.

The sight makes a wave of tears slip down his face. The tears freeze in the cold. Shoto steps back, holding his frost-bitten hands together.

His eyes never leave that face.

The person lying inside the casket is none other than Izuku Midoriya.

Shoto doesn't know how or when Izuku passed away. All he knows is that somebody found Izuku's frozen body sprawled on top of snow-covered train tracks. 

Some people say that Izuku was trying to cross the tracks, but accidentally got hit by a train. Others say that Izuku committed suicide. Either way broke Shoto's heart into little, tiny pieces.

A sad bell rings, capturing Shoto's attention. 

Standing behind the casket was the former number one hero, Yagi Toshinori. To his left stands a crying woman. Inko Midoriya.

Toshinori's once-proud face now looks sullen. Inko's face is covered with tears as she tries to desperately wipe them away with a handkerchief. 

Toshinori clears his throat.

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