Clems pov.

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"Clem when can I go out and go fishing without you and just Louis again?" Aj questioned Clem as he and braylee, Clem all where walking to the river.

"Mph. You don't like fishing with me? " Clem sighs while smiling. To then looks at the leaves. It's cold. The leaves are falling off and the trees are turning dead. "I do but I miss hanging out with Louis more too." Aj smiles at her.

At the river they saw the same dead walkers from a couple of months ago. The same trash that was left there... the same blood stain from Gabe.. Clem looked at the blood stain and chills ran down her spine.

"Clem here." Braylee hands her a spear. Clem shakes out of the trance and grabs ahold of the spear.

Walking to the lake all their footsteps made crunching noises. "We need to be careful. Our foot steps can be the reason why walkers come but also the leaves can help us know.." Clem got interrupted by braylee. "When the walkers come." She sighs as she spears a fish. Aj smiles and speared one too.

Clem looks at her and thinks.. braylee started to act different after Gabe died. She started to become cold.. hard.. and turn into a scavenger..

Braylee see's Clem staring and she stops and looks at her.

"You ok?" She question. Clem shakes out of her thoughts.

"Yea." She said as she kills two fish with one spear.

After they where done they had to go check the traps it was getting dark. They all headed in separate directions to grab food. Clem found a possum in her trap. And a rabbit in the other. Then all the sudden she hears leaves crunching. Her spine starts to get chills.

She turns around to see no walker in sight. She stands up straight and pulls out her gun.
"Get out." She said with her gun pointed at the tree.

"Hey, it's just me." She see's Louis comes out with his hands up. She lowers the gun and puts it up.

"I told you this before louis I don't want your help." She said as she grabs the animals. Louis follows behind her.

"I know but what if I need your help." He said smirking. She looks at him with her eyebrows raised.

"Right now with the kids out? No." She laughs at him shaking her head and she knealed down and starts to set the traps.

"Come on we haven't.." she cuts him off.

"I'm grieving over my friend.." she said as she gets up. The trap was done. She turns to him with a anger look.

"Clem not to be a dick or anything but it's been 3 months. No one has came back for us. Those men are gone. Gabe.. he's in a better place. I just want to spend time with you and love you as you are my hot attractive girlfriend I've always dreamed of." He smirks at her. Clementine laughs a little.

"Maybe. But not now louis." Clementine got up. "It's too soon to say those men are gone and you should know that." Clementine says as she sets her trap. She gets up and looks at louis.

"Its too soon to talk about Gabe like that too." She looks at Louis then walks back to the school. "Where you going Clem?" He shouts at her. She just walks away from him..


<later that day>

Clem walks out to the court yard. She breathes in then walks to the couch.

"Hey." Clementine looks up to see violet sitting in the chair next to the couch.

"Hey" clem replies with staring into the fire.

"I see your tense what's going on?" Violet mentions. She gets up and sits next to her. "You can also stop staring into the fire and actually talk." Vi said jokingly. Clem smirks and looks at her.

"To be honest. I don't know I have this feelings of guilt for Ignoring Louis for a while, then this extreme sadness for Gabe. On top of that our food source is running low.." Clem gets cut off.

"Don't add on to an every day basic problem to make them seem more major then it is. You look like your getting tired of stressing. Why don't you go out and go do something with Louis." Violet mentions to Clem while looking at aj and braylee draw by the tire swing.

"Because I don't know anything right now about how I feel. Where not safe we don't know those men. And those men can be our future problem. They could be out just to kill. Who knows. Probably worst than the raiders." Clem tells vi. Vi says quite and then looks at aj and braylee.

"They seem like they like each other." Vi says to Clem. Clem smiles and looks over at them.

"Mm yea.. she's ok I guess." Clem mentions. Vi laughs and looks at her.

"Doesn't she remind you of someone? I don't know someone who was once all uptight and defensive had both parents die and also nobody but aj. Not to mention a kick ass fighter?" Violet smirks while looking at her. Clem shakes her head and looks at vi.

"Just saying. I got to go see ya Clem. Talk to louis." Vi leaves while Clem watches aj and braylee.

Braylee grabs ajs hand and throws the ninja knife at the tree. "Bullseye!" Aj screams and hugs braylee. Clem smiles and gets up.

"Everything now seems so different." She mumbles. She gets up and walks to the piano room. She hears his beautiful music humming down the hall.

Once the music stops she hears a woman's giggle. She peaks through and sees Kehlani on the bench with Louis.

"I know she's bothering you. What's on your mind talk to me." She says to him turning towards him. He turns to her and looks at the window above the piano.

"I'm just gonna say it. I need her. She is the love of my life. Clem is the girl I always wanted in my life. I dreamed of a walker Slayer girlfriend. But she's being distant and I think I'm losing the feelings." Louis says to Kehlani. Clem felt her heart break. She sees Louis looks in Kehlani eyes.

"She needs to realize that you are the best thing for her. Your perfect you sing to her play music with her I bet you.. never mind." She says and shys away. Clem glares at her. "What? Just speak what's in your mind. I'm all ears." Louis says. "I mean I bet your good with her in bed." She smirks and bites her lip. Louis laughs awkwardly and rubs his neck.

"Honestly we only did it once." He blew that off like it was nothing and Clem sadness turns into anger.

"Once? Oof see if I had.. let's just say a man like you I would do it every single day if he treated me right." She smiles. Louis laughs and touches some keys.

"Yea I can tell." Kehlani grabs his thigh and looks into his eyes. "That man that I was talking about I mean it.. I would want it to be you.." Louis was shocked. Clem has enough. She burst through the door.

"Really Louis?" She screams at him. They both jumped up.

"Clem how-" she cuts him off.

"Enough to know what the fuck is going on." Kehlani looks at her scared as shit.

"I'm just gonna." She started but Clem looks at her.

"No you know what Louis fuck you keep this skank. I'm leaving tonight." Clem says as she storms out.

HEY!! I hope this was good enough I've been so busy lately imma post again soon! All loves comment what you think is gonna happen next! BYEEEE

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