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Clem's pov.
After Gabe and his troop left Clementine walks  towards Javi's caravan. "Looks like you still don't have signal?" Javi looked up at Clem and got up from the driver side seat."Nope. All I hear still is static." Javi turns it off and gets out of the caravan. "How have you and Gabe been catching up?." Javi asked Clem. "We've been catching up well. I mean he told me about one of your girls that I might have issues with." Clem says to Javi, he looks down at her. "Which one?"

"Kehlani. She just flirts with my boyfriend too much. I though I should tell you Incase I beat her ass." Javi laughs with Clem. "Ahh her, yea she's trouble. She only came with us last second. Her father was a terrible person though." Javi mentions to Clem as he sat down at the fire and starts poking it with a stick. "Trouble? I guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree." Clementine scuffs.

"Hey Clementine could I use some help? I need help in the Green house, getting some spices." Ruby asked Clem. Clementine turns over towards ruby. "Alright Javi I will see you later." Clementine smiles.

Once ruby, Aasim and Clem got to the green house they all headed towards different plants. "You know, I haven't been here since Mitch." Clementine sighs. She starts to remember the whole incident. "He was a Dick to you dude." aasim butts in. "But he sacrificed his life for this place. He's a hero." Ruby mentioned. They continued to cut the spices. Clem looks over at ruby and aasim laughing.

Aasim is behind ruby holding her, while kissing her neck and cheek. While she cuts some tomatoes she's been growing. "You better stop." She laughed and pushed him off of her. "You know what we should grow. Strawberries." Ruby giggles." Clementine looks at her rosemary she is cutting and sighs a little. "That would be amazing. I haven't had strawberries in so long." Aasim looks over at Clementine. "well your going to lose your shit when I tell you what me and ruby found."

"What did you guys find?" Clementine smiles and curiously looked at him. "We found watermelon seeds. We can have fruits and veggies in and around here in no time!" Aasim raises his voice excitedly. Clem starts cutting some other unknown spices she doesn't know about. Then she starts thinking. "How did you get those?" She questions him.

"From the train station. It was infested by walkers but Louis had an idea of throwing a huge rock at the side of the train so it distracted them. I found it next to their old garden." Aasim smiles. Ruby looks at him and glares. Then she looked at Clem. "Baby can you take these spices and plants me and Clem cut and bring it to Omar?" She grabs all the stuff we cut and shoved it in his hands. "Of course." He says as he walks out.

"That stupid Moron. He could've gotten hurt!" Ruby says while putting her hand on her hip and the other on her head pacing. "Louis never told me that he took aj to the train station. He could've gotten hurt or even Louis." Clem sighs. She walks over to ruby. And sighs letting go of the anger she was holding in. "I think they did that because they didn't want us to worry and they also know we needed the food."

Ruby sighs asleep letting go of the anger, she looks at me. "Well I'm guessing your going to give a talking to louis?" She giggles and starts to walk out. "You bet." Clem laughs. Once they got back to the school Clementine walks towards the music room. She opened the door and remembered Louis and hers first kiss. She sat on the piano and played a couple of notes.

"Well I'm guessing you are either bored or you miss him." Violet laughs. As she enters the room. Clementine looks over at her and smiles. "How do you like the new group?" Vi sat down next to her on the chair. "I like them. There is this one girl that kinda caught my eye." Clementine raises a eyebrow. "Oh really? What's been going on with that?"
"Well her name is natalie. She's supper pretty. She has red hair with blue eyes. She has a beautiful fucking body." Vi giggles. Clem smiles at her.

"I met her last night when I was helping Omar cook. She was with her brother Joey and a couple of her other friends. She looked at me and I was like wow. She's beautiful." Clementine smiles gently. "You think your ready for something again?" Questioning vi, vi gets up and sits on the floor behind the piano chair. Clem moves her body To face her. "Honestly yea, like I said before mini was someone who I already thought was dead.. I lost those feelings for her a while back I guess I just kept them because I wish she was the old her."

"Vi?" They both look over it's a red headed girl with blue eyes, vi blushed and got up. "I'll talk to you later Clem." Clem smiled and looked over at the girl. "Hi." Clem said the girl waved at her. They both walked out.

Clem gets up and walks to her room. Once she got there she saw that Louis door was open. She silently pushed open the door a little. She notice it wasn't Louis immediately. She stood on her one foot, and put down her crutches silently, she pulled out her knife and burst open the door.

"Holy shit I'm sorry!" She heard Kehlani scream. "What the fuck are you doing inside of here." Clementine glares at her. She's only standing on one foot. "I gave louis a present for being nice to me and showing me to my room last night." She stood straight up. Clementine looks at her and still has her knife in her hand gripping it tightly.

Kehlani shows her the present. It was chips and a couple of pretzels. "You have five seconds to get the fuck out." Kehlani was mortified and left the room. Clem picks up her crutches and walks out to the gate. "Willy open up." Clem screams. "Clem are you..."

"Willy I swear to fuck if you don't open up." With that the door opened and Clem walked out..

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