Clems pov

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Clementine got up weary, she looked over to see Louis eyeing her with tear stains on his face and aj on top of her squeezing her. "Gabe.." She hears a girl sob. She holds on to aj and takes in his scent. Looking up and Louis she reaches for his hand and squeezes it. "Gabe?" She sits up putting aj down next to her.

"I'm sorry clem." Louis says while starting to tear up again. Clementine stumbles to get up and rushes to Gabe's side. "No.." she says to herself. She touches Gabe lightly and whimpers.. she then hugs him tightly. "I'm.. im so sorry... I should've came earlier.. i.." hiccuping clem cries into his cold body. "No matter what you did clem it was going to happen. He got bit twice." Braylee mentions. She sits up and walks towards the window.

"Your right." Clem let's go of Gabe and holds onto his face. While doing that Louis walks over to her and kneels down grabbing her shoulder. Clementine looks at him and starts to tear up. Louis grabs her and pulls her into a hug. "Guys. We can have time to leave now." Braylee says looking out the window. Vi gets up and walks to the window.

"Everyone, there is 2 walkers in sight. Me and Louis can kill those two and bring them back in here so we can mask ourselfs to sneak back to camp." Vi mentiones. Louis looks up at her and glares. "Why me?" He asked her she shook her head and rolls her eyes at him. "Because were the only ones not effected by this that much." She blurts out coldly. To then get cold glares at her.

"No. She's right, Louis my leg is killing me, natalie is in to much distraught. Aj and braylee are too weak to hold onto a grown walker. The rest.." Clem looks over to everyone surrounding Gabe. Louis looks at vi and then Clem. "Ok I'll do it. Watch my back ok?" He asks clementine nods while getting up.

"Okay let's do this." Vi says, aj and braylee move the stuff away from the door while vi and Louis get ready to head out. Clementine grabs Louis and kisses his lips gently. "I missed you." She says to him shutting her eyes and holding him. He grabs onto her waist and smiles down at her slightly. "I missed you too." Clementine goes over and opens the door. Louis and vi run out and stabs both walkers in the head.

Dragging both walkers inside aj and braylee shut the door. "Great this again." Braylee shakes her head and kneels down cutting open the walker. Natalie glares at her. "I don't like your fucking attitude." Braylee glares at her and looks up. "Funny your the one saying that. Gabe and you hated each other but look at you crying about him. He never liked you." Braylee spits at her. Glaring at her while she finishes cutting open the walker, everyone looks at braylee.

"Shocking right. I can talk, keep rubbing Walker guts all over you." Braylee glares at everyone. Clem gets down next to her and starts rubbing guts on herself. "Braylee i.." braylee looks At her softly. "Not right now." After everyone was done covering themselves they all start to walk towards the door.

Aj grabs ahold of braylee a hand. "I'm here. I have your back." He says to her, she looks at him holding her hand then back into his eyes. "Same here aj." Clementine takes a deep breath then opens the door. "Who ever is last shut the door." Louis glares back At the rest of the group. Slowly they all left the shed into the field of walkers.

"Breath." Aj says to himself. Clementine looks down at him smirking. Glad he knows his technique. Sun begins to rise and everyone becomes aware of how many walkers are around.

"Guys, um we have company." Louis nudges Clem. Clem looks up and see's 12 people surrounding a group of people with guns aimed at the walkers.

"Everyone get down!" Clem orders...

Hey guys! Sorry for the long long long wait. I've been having my birthday recently and my dog is okay :) for now.. plus my friends been helping me a lot through this I'll post a authors note to look at videos of us being absolute retards :)

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