Louis pov

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"Fuck man, fuck! Fuck,fuck!" Louis whimpers, grabbing Gabe's arm over his shoulder, helping him run to the shed. "Louis, I'm bit. I won't make it what are you doing!" Gabe screams at him. Louis tightens his grip around Gabe. "Fuck you gabe, your going to be fine." A walker comes in front of Louis and quickly grabs Gabe's knife and stabs it in its head.

Louis becomes sore, "Look it's right there!" Louis says, he looks at Gabe grabbing his stomach and looking down. Groaning.

"Louis, your going to get yourself killed." Louis puts him on the ground and try's to open the door but it's locked. He starts to bang on it. "Aj! AJ! ITS LOUIS OPEN UP QUICK!" Louis screams. He hears shuffling.

"LOUIS!" Braylee screams pointing behind him. He turns around to see Gabe struggling to hold off a walker. Louis kicks it off of him and grabs Gabe. Aj opens the doors for them while braylee goes out with a fishing spear and starts stabbing the walkers behinds them.

Once they made it fully in, braylee runs in while Aj shuts the door, hurrying up they blocked it with the oven. Hearing the bangs from the walkers. Aj and braylee backs up from the door looking at it.

"Ughahhgh!" Gabe screams. Aj turns his head over looking at Gabe. He's pale, and he's covering his leg. "Your bit." Braylee says quietly. She goes over to him and moves his hand.

"We have to cut it off." Aj says, Louis looks at them and shakes his head. Braylee looks At Gabe covering his side. "No.." she breathes. She backs up and grabs AJs hand. "He's bit twice, he's going to die fast. We can't cut out that Louis.." Louis shakes his head. While putting pressure on Gabe's side. "We have to make it last clem has to say goodbye, what about Javi?" Louis looks to aj and braylee.

looking down she grabs her knife. "It's better to do it now then later. He's suffering Louis. This isn't right." Shaking her head she walks up to Gabe. She starts to feel the burning sensation in her eyes. Holding Gabe's hand. Gabe looks up to her and squeezes her hand. He lifts up his other hand caressing her cheek.

"I'm so sorry." She says shakily, tears streaming down her face she shakes her head. "Gabe." She whimpers. "You know how everyone doubted you braylee. Look at you now, the rare ones alive out here now by yourself. Your strong. Remember what Javi would say El que no arriesga, no gana. Your going to be strong." He smiles while moving a strand of hair out of her face. He hugs her close. Feeling weak in her knees braylee starts to get up.

Louis holds on to aj. "Louis. Take care of Clem. Don't get mad or hold this against a dead guy, but I had a thing for Clem back in Richmond. I was too big of a pussy to tell her. She's a beautiful woman, a kind hearted innocent person still. Keep her safe amigo. I always loved Clem. From when I first laid my eyes on her.

But even when I got here and saw her with you, I didn't want to ruin it. Your the perfect guy for her. She needs someone to put a smile on her face in a horrible day like this. Be here for her. Please buddy?" Gabe says to louis. Louis is shocked and smiles at him gently.

"Of course I will tell her everything you said to me. Thank you Gabe, I will always have mad respect for a guy that put his life in danger to save aj and I." Louis shakes Gabe's hand.

"I was a pussy too when I told clem I liked her, she's intimidating." Louis chuckles with Gabe. While sitting down, he looks over at Aj. He's pretty quite.

"Hey kid you ok?" Gabe smirks at aj. He shakes his head and walks to him. "If it wasn't for Javi and you, Clem wouldn't have me today." Aj looks at him while sitting next to louis and him.

"Mostly Javi aj, but she was so excited to get you back. She was the one with the motive. Now look your healthy, amazing, still alive. So talented. Above all of that. Your a great friend to braylee. Keep watch on her okay? She's my favorite out of the people we took." Gabe puts a hand on AJs shoulder. Aj smiles and nodded. He hugs Gabe, tightly Gabe hugs him back. Then whispers in his ear.

Louis raises his eyebrow. "Well let's wait and see how long this will last." Gabe said, braylee looks At him then looks down.

Silence, the room is just filled with nothing but crickets and walking of walkers around them. Gabe starts to cough and get a wheeze, While breathing. Braylee gets up quickly and Gabe raises his hand. "No... not.yet." He wheezes braylee looks At Louis, who has a confusion of I don't know what to do look, and aj to which aj nodded in agreeing with Gabe. She sat down wiping a tear.

Louis gets up and looks outside, then starts to pace around. "Man, I.." he started.
"Louis remember what Clem says, whenever your stressed out you breath in.." aj breathes in, Louis looks at him and breaths in, "and breath out." He says calmly, Louis exhaled and smiled a little. "Guys were getting out of here." Louis continued. Gabe looked at him, his pale face glisten in the lit fire. "She's coming, I know she is. Luckily it's because she's worried about aj." Gabe laughed, while coughing up blood. He whips his mouth with his sleeve.

"Hey! I'm right here." Louis laughs, aj smiles. Gabe looks at him. "Maybe it's time guys." Gabe says to them, Louis looks at him nervously. Moving over Louis and aj and braylee surround him. Braylee starts to get up on her feet, slowly and cautiously, she walks to Gabe. "I got this." Braylee looks At aj and Louis, tears began to stream down her face.

Gabe looks at her and smiles. "You can do it champ." She says to her. With that Louis grabs AJs shoulder and holds him close. She then slowly grabs Gabe's head and puts the knife gently on the side of his head. Gabe's wheezing began to slow down, braylee then stabs it into Gabe's head... all the pain and suffering will be over for him.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~like I said I am posting! I'm pretty nervous still about my dog but I won't let it effect my work on here. Please vote and comment for advice or anything really! All loves!❤️

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