two ▋understanding

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The boss sat patiently in his chair, staring at the two teens in front of him. His eyes were full of unknown emotions and an intent to get the information he desired, but neither of them spoke. They weren't prepared to answer his questions? They didn't have any good excuses to save themselves. The two teens were flying by the seat of their pants, the most unpredictable and unsafe idea to do when being faced by a mob boss. The man in front of them cleared his throat, sitting up in his chair as he suddenly began to speak, "Who would like to explain what happened first?"

Mari didn't even get a chance to discuss a course of action with the boy next to her. "The mission took a little bit longer than we thought it would be," Wooyoung explained, all the blissful and joking emotions in his voice from earlier gone. It was replaced with a rock hard tone, icy cold and refusing to show any weakness. Scary how quick he could switch between those two defining traits of his. "We didn't think that the Kim Faction would send their own Underboss to complete the task. Things simply got complicated, that's why we exceeded the curfew."

"Now tell me, Wooyoung," the boss began, leaning as closely to the boy as his desk will allow. Mari searched for some sort of flinch or nervous tick to occur, that's always what happens when being confronted by him. And yet he stood in place like a statue, as if he wasn't facing the human incarnation of misfortune and power itself. "Exactly when did those things get complicated? Was it when you arrived at your given location and no one was there to greet you? Was it when you noticed something was wrong when our associate didn't hand us what we wanted?"

Her skin crawled as reason upon reason began to pile up on top of each other. She knew exactly where this statement was going and didn't want her own faults being blamed on someone who can't control her actions. "Or was it when you let that traitorous associate take advantage of what should have been limited and unknown knowledge, and take my own daughter hostage by the enemy!" He yelled, slamming his hands down on the desk out of pure frustration. Their boss isn't like this, he's not as hot headed as he seems at the moment.

Usually he's calm and collected, analyzing the situation before beginning a confrontation. But the boss was blinded that anger that this she was almost kidnapped and killed to begin with. While Mari let's many things slide due to the respect and love she has for him as a father, she wasn't going to let him take out his anger on Wooyoung. Not when he knew so much about him that could hurt her friend. "Does that really matter? Right now?" She questioned, intruding before it was her time to speak.

"The associate who knew about our connection is dead." Mari pointed out, a frown slowly growing on her face at the mere thought of it. "I learned that Wooyoung killed him as soon as he had the chance, he had no choice but to do so. The members of the Seo Faction that heard what the associate said are sworn to secrecy. You don't have to worry about that ever escaping your grasps. Plus! The Underboss of the Kim Faction has been caught. San is just waiting on your next orders in what to do with him. See? Nothing to get mad over."

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