Chapter 11: Flashback and Clues

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* Lucy's POV *

For a few days, the school could talk of little else but the attack on Mrs. Norris. Filch kept it fresh in everyone's minds by pacing the spot where she had been attacked, as though he thought the attacker might come back.

The gang and I had seen him scrubbing the message on the wall with Mrs. Skower's All-Purpose Magical Mess Remover, but to no effect; the words still gleamed as brightly as ever on the stone.

When Filch wasn't guarding the scene of the crime, he was skulking red-eyed through the corridors, lunging out at unsuspecting students and trying to put them in detention for things like "breathing loudly" and "looking happy."

I know it sounds loads of rubbish but I understand him, seeing your pet cat that became your companion being petrified wasn't easy. Though, putting unlucky students in detention for little crappy reasons was still not acceptable.

I also felt weird these past few days, students from Gryffindor and even from the other houses -besides Slytherin, of course- constantly approach me and ask if I was feeling fine, worry etched across their faces. They informed me that I was paler than usual and looked so lifeless and sick, my dark bags around my eyes didn't help much either, earning a sermon from the one and only Hermione.

Here are the examples of her famous lines:

"You're so stubborn."

"What did I told you to do?"

"Go to the Hospital Wing."

"Come on, if you don't go there, I'll drag you myself."

Typical Hermione. Any road, I've never told anyone this, but when the night the attack occurred, I was there. Not intentionally, but still. I can't also tell it to anyone because it'll sound so suspicious and will ask me tons of questions which I certainly didn't like.


I woke up that night lying on the cold floor, alone. Confusedly, I scanned my surroundings, only to find that I'm here in a dark corridor.

"When did I get here? Most importantly, how?" I muttered under my breath, still looking around. Seconds later, I noticed something thick and wet on my hands.

I lift both of it and saw a red gooey-like liquid. My eyes widened and I hastily wiped my hands on my robes, but stopped inches away when I realised it'll just make it worse, so I took my wand from my pocket and conjured a cleaning spell.

Even though the gooey thing's not on my hands anymore, I'm still nervous that it's blood. But that's impossible, where could it be from if it is blood?

I brushed the thoughts off and stood up, stretching up my limbs. "I swear, I'm going to kill those Doofus. How dare they leave me here?" I said, feeling slightly angry. Then all of a sudden, I saw a strange shadow from behind me.

Intrigued by it, I slowly turned around only to be face to face with a petrified Mrs. Norris who's hanged on the torch light handle by its tail and a horrendous message on the wall.

The scene's seemed very disturbing and gruesome to me since I own a cat and the feeling to see other animals in this state makes me wanna barf and just collapse. And that's what happened, I fainted due to shock and fright. Surprise surprise.

The last thing that slipped into my mind is : "I will surely kill those damn Doofus."


Anyways, Ron from beside me was 'comforting' a crying Ginny who seems very disturbed by Mrs. Norris' fate; According to him, she was a great cat lover like moi.

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