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(//sooo I might write part of this chapter from Bilbo's point of view. Soooo......just a maybe.....//)

We were heading away from the cave when we heard someone approaching.....fast. I was as surprised when a wizard on a sled poped out of the bushes. Gandalf and this wizard.....Radaghast talked for a while. Radaghast explaining there we're orcs on wargs chasing us. Gandalf seemed troubled but Radaghast told Gandalf he would stall them using his "Rosagell Rabbits". Gandalf nodded and told us to fthollow him. We ran after Gandalf as he lead us into rocky-ish land. Finding a cave Thorin told us to get in it. We all quickly jumped in exept Bilbo who hesitated taking a second to look at Thorin before jumping in. after Bilbo jumped Thorin followed him. We heard some shouting as a orc rolled into the cave. "Elves. This was your plan all along!" Thorin said angrily to Gandalf. "I had only your best interests in mind." Gandalf said plainly. "Does that involve our enemies?" Thorin asked angrily. "These elves are not your enimies." Gandalf responded. Gandalf lead us out of the cave and about half an hour we arrived at Rivendell. Gandalf walked over to an elf and started talking to him about the whereabouts of the master of Rivendell. Whilst he was doing thus Thorin and Dwalin started whispering wich was interupted by hunting horns as the master of rivendell retuned. "Ah. Elrond you are here." Gandalf adressed the master. "Yes. And you need a place to stay I presume." Elrond said raising an eyebrow. "Yes. Two nights?" Gandalf asked. "I'll have Haldir show them to thier rooms." Elrond said nodding at haldir. "Follow me." Haldir said leading us to our rooms. In each room there was 3 bed so we got split up. Dwalin, Bilbo,& Thorin in one room. 2nd room: Ori, Dori,& Nori. 3rd room: Bifur, Bofur,& Bombur. 4th room: Oin & Gloin and Balin. 5th room: Kili, Fili,& Me.6th room: Gandalf. Setting what bags we had down we headed to bed.

(//ok so I will do the Bilbo's point of view next chapie.//)

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