Twenty-Two Days Before.

"Hey. Nick, I have a conference this morning with the school, so I am sorry for leaving without waking or telling you beforehand. I just know you have a busy day today and didn't want you distracted or worried. Hopefully when you get this call, you won't be in the middle of a case or worry as bad since your nightmare a few nights ago." 

Aurora hung up the phone with a sigh after she ended her voicemail for Nick that morning, heading inside the School Building with a small smile. 

She had taken time off because of her kidnapping from her previous Teaching Aid, Stark Clarkson, but had ultimately said it was because of some paranoid nerves about something else with someone close to her.

"Ms. Greyson. You made it!" Bea said happily when she seen Aurora walk through the classroom door. "The class made you cards while you were out, but don't worry, I kept an eye on them and made sure that they still did all their classwork." Bea said with a nod.

"Thank you Ms. Fronte'but --" Aurora started before Bea cut her off.

"Sorry to cut you off like that, but...I'm actually engaged." Bea said with a smile before showing Aurora her ring.

"Congrats." Aurora smiled happily. "What should I have the class call you now?" She asked while looking at Bea.

"Mrs.Clarkson" Bea stated matter-of-factly with a wide grin on her face.

"Clarkson?, As in...Stark, Clarkson?" Aurora asked as Bea nodded.

"Yeah, you know him?" Bea asked, not noticing how pale and shocked Aurora seemed at the revelation.

"Sort of, long story, we kind of met during a School Meeting. When I had a workshop at a college, he was...pretty nice, hung out a couple times." Aurora lied. "I'm happy for you, really." She said with a slight nod before her phone started to ring.

"Excuse me please." Aurora said as she turned to walk out of the classroom, checking her phone and seeing that it was a blocked number. 

She hesitated but answered the phone before hearing gunshots and alarms go off.

"Going after you would be easy, going after them is better." A distorted voice spoke before hanging up.

"What the --" Aurora started before turning when she seen Bea stop out.

"Aurora, I just got word that the school is going under a procedure lock down right now" Bea said.

"Why?, The kids aren't he--" Aurora started before an explosion hit at the back of the school. "Let's go." Aurora said, grabbing Bea's hand and hurrying out the front before another explosion hit right in front of them.


"Why hasn't she called back?" Nick asked as he paced back and forth.

"I'm getting Déjà vu" McGee admitted before Bishop hurried in.

"You haven't heard?" Bishop asked, a bit out of breath.

"Heard?, Heard what?" Nick asked before Gibbs walked by and turned the center monitor on to the news which was currently showing the elementary school in flames.

"Aurora." Nick said, feeling his heart drop and his stomach twist.


When Nick and the others arrived. Nick immediately went to ask if Aurora Greyson was already taken or even just alive, especially seeing how there was twelve casualties, a couple being kids of the teachers, a couple custodians and teachers themselves.

"Nick." Bishop called, catching his attention before nodding over to a ambulance were Aurora was currently sat in with a blanket around her shoulders and a small cup of water in her hands.

"Aurora." Nick exclaimed before bolting over, quickly checking her over. "Are you alright?, What happened?, Do you know what did this?, Do you know who did this?" He asked without a pause before Aurora stopped him.

"Breathe Torres. Breathe." Aurora said as he nodded and did as she said.

"I'm fine, a couple burns, possible scars, nothing too serious." Aurora admitted as Nick relaxed, glad that it was nothing too serious.

"...Before the explosions...I got a call"  Aurora said as she reached over and grabbed her phone from her bag and handed it to him, not daring look in his eye. "It was a blocked number, when I answered...All I heard was gunshots and alarms..." She stopped to try and keep herself from breaking down at the memory as the others went over, Nick handing McGee the phone almost immediately.

"...Then a voice, very distorted, spoke up saying 'Going after you would be easy, going after them is better' before hanging up immediately. After that...After that, then the explosions happened, my teaching aide Bea was right next to me and she is in a more critical condition than I am." She admitted truthfully, wiping some tears off her face.

"Don't worry Aurora, we'll get the bad guy who did this to you and everyone else in the school at the time." Bishop said with a nod.

"Thank you all, this really means a lot." Aurora said with a small smile.

"Bishop, go with Torres back to their place, make sure there are no bugs or bombs." Gibbs started before the two nodded and went to do their job.

"McGee, go and try to see if you can decipher the last call she got and if there are any hits, back at Headquarters." Gibbs added.

"On it boss." McGee said before turning and hurrying away.

"You'll be staying with me for a little, while everything is going down." Gibbs said.


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