While Nick was working a case, Aurora had gotten the chance to get a hold of her friend, only to be disappointed when she was told that her day was filled.

"Maybe Kasie has something" Aurora whispered before heading down to Kasie's office while with the puppy who was getting more restless. "Hopefully some food for you." She said, smiling softly at the puppy.

"Kasie, hey, I need some help." Aurora said with a smile when she walked into Kasie's office, seeing her relaxing with some music playing faintly in the background, something she did when she was bored, anxious, or reading.

"Oh, hey C, what's going on?" Kasie asked, pausing the music as she went over to talk to her friend, smiling when she saw the puppy in her arms. "Cute dog, what's his or her name?" She asked.

"Haven't decided, I need your help with this little guy." Aurora said holding the puppy up a bit.

"Alright, what do you need help with?" Kasie asked as Aurora set the dog down on the table.


"So, Mr. Thompson, how long have you and Rear Admiral Claire Thompson been together?" Nick asked as he sat across from the man who claimed to be her husband.

"Today would've marked our Eight anniversary, and please, call me Liu." He said as Nick nodded.

"How did you two meet?" Nick asked.

"Accident, I was late for some meeting and she was doing an early morning jog, we literally ran into each other." Liu said.

"Would you know anyone who may have wanted her dead?" 

"Claire?, No, not a soul." Liu said. "If she didn't like someone, she wouldn't give them the time of day after their meeting." He admitted.

"Were you aware of her going AWOL?" McGee asked, standing beside Nick while Bishop and Gibbs walked around in the back, observing pictures.

"Yes, actually. She-She told me that she was going to go AWOL, never gave me a reason why though."

"Do you think there was something up with her?, Like did she seem different or odd the last time you two spoke?" Bishop asked, glancing back to Liu from her spot.

"No, she seemed more exhausted and delusional if that counts." He admitted truthfully. "Like she hadn't slept in a couple weeks." He added.


"Well, we know that she was going AWOL, not for any real reasons." McGee said.

"But what was she doing or going to do to make this seem approachable?" Bishop asked, sitting criss-crossed on her desk.

"Why is Claire on the screen?" Aurora asked as she walked to the Squad room, puppy in hand and Kasie in tow.

"You know Rear Admiral Claire Thompson?" McGee questioned.

"Yeah, she's my cousin." Aurora admitted before looking over to the others. "Why is she on the screen?" She asked again before noticing McGee, Nick and Bishop glance over to each other. "We weren't that close, so if she died, I won't freak out like most people would." She added.

"How much of her do you exactly remember?" Bishop questioned.

"Not much, like I said, we weren't that close like most cousins or family might be. She lived in North Dakota, I lived here, in Washington, not a whole lot of contact." Aurora added.

"Potential suspect?" McGee suggested, while looking over to the others.

"Or warning McGee." Gibbs said as he walked over. "Bishop, McGee, MTAC, now. Kasie, there's some stuff for you to analyze down in the garage and in Autopsy, Palmer should be bringing it to you." He said before walking off to MTAC with Bishop and McGee in tow.

"So...What't the dog's name?" Nick asked innocently when him and Aurora were left in the squad room.

"Haven't decided. We can figure it out after you get the bad guy caught." Aurora said, looking at the puppy when it decided to bark when after she said 'bad guy'.

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