"So tell me everything that happened." Aurora said when she walked into NCIS. "I didn't understand your text by shark tank betrayed" she said walking over to Nick.

"So, the Commander's right-hand did everything and was going to send the diamonds back to the diamond smugglers but was hiding the diamonds in a shark tank until she could get the payoff immediately" McGee explained.

"Didn't I see that in a movie once?" Bishop questioned aloud.

"Pretty smart place to stash them while she waited to get paid" Nick admitted.

"Pretty dumb to use you" Aurora said, going and sitting in his chair.

"Too bad she wasn't smart enough to encrypt her emails to the smugglers she worked for." McGee added

"Well, either way, she's done feeding the fish for a while, right, Nick?" Bishop asked as she stood up, gathering her coat and bag to get ready to leave, only to get the silent treatment by him.

"Good luck with that" McGee said to Bishop before heading out for the night.

"Come on Ari" Nick said to Aurora who looked at him and started to stand up herself as Bishop made her way over to them.

"You hungry?" Bishop asked simply, not minding that Aurora was there, she was actually wanting to know a bit more about her since she came around.

"Sure you wanna break bread with a killer?" Nick asked rhetorically.

"Nick." Aurora said softly, while looking at him, shocked at how he responded.

"Oh, I see." Bishop started, dismissing Aurora's distaste for how he handled her question. "That's what the silent treatment is about. You accuse your buddy of being a killer, one time..." she said as Nick continued to get his things, sliding his coat on before helping Aurora into her own.

"What do you want from me?" Bishop asked. "An apology?"

"Nope." Nick said.

"Then what?" Bishop asked.

"Maybe a little faith." Nick said simply.

"I have more than a little faith in you. You know that." Bishop said, resting her hands down on the desk as she looked him in the eyes. "It's just...in that moment, you looked guilty as hell." She added before Nick turned to grab his bag and started to walk out with Aurora.

"Come on, if the shoe were on the other foot, you would've asked the same questions." Bishop pleaded.

"No." Nick said, stopping and turning to face Bishop once again. "I wouldn't." He added before turning and leaving again.

"So I guess that's a no on dinner." Bishop said defeated. "Hey, Nick, you're okay, right?" She asked aloud.

"Guess I'll find out" Nick said, still walking away, heading upstairs to meet with Jack.

"Hey, I'll meet up with you and Jack in a minute, I gotta go do something." Aurora said softly before turning and heading down, looking at Bishop slightly before nodding her head a little to head to the Women's Restroom so the female could follow.

"What's up?" Bishop asked Aurora once the two got into the bathroom and the door shit behind them.

"Why didn't you trust Nick in this?" Aurora asked simply.

Bishop looked a bit taken aback from Aurora's question. "What?, I just --" she started before Aurora calmly stopped her.

"Even if the evidence looks like it is someone, you shouldn't always jump to conclusions" Aurora started. "He likes you, he believes that you have more potential than any past agents that you keep wanting to know and learn about, but if you keep trying to go down someone's previous past, it's gonna screw you in the future" she added.

"What about earlier?, You basically freaked when you seen the image of him arm-in-arm with Jessica Ho" Bishop said truthfully as Aurora nodded.

"Yes, I did, but I believed him when he said that it wasn't what it looked like, that's something that I believe this Ziva David, that you're looking to, would've done, I also believe that she would have faith that her friends and partners wouldn't do something like that" Aurora said.

"How do you --" Bishop started, surprised and confused as to how Aurora knew that she was trying to learn more to be like Ziva.

"He talks. He likes you, like I said before" Aurora said.

"What about you?, If he likes me then why is he with you?" Bishop asked, not trying to hurt her somehow.

"I never said how he likes you." Aurora stated as she started to walk out of the restroom

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