Part 21

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The plane landed and we made our way off and went through security. We snuck off after so no one would notice us and decided where we'd go.
'So what now?' I asked.
'Come on we can go to my mom's house'
'your mom's house?!' I raised my voice a little.
'Yeah? Is that ok?'
'No! I can't meet your mom looking like this I probably stink!' I panicked.
'You smell and look fine, when we get there you can have a shower and get changed and whatever you need to do my mom wouldn't mind'
'Are you sure?'
'Of course y/n, my mom already knows I'm head over heels for you so I'm sure she already likes you' he smiled pulling me in for a hug.
'That doesn't make sense but whatever you say tommo' I wrapped my arms around him and he placed his head on top of mine. We stood there for a minute while I just enjoyed his warmth, I couldn't imagine being away from him, locked up and alone. But it was a possibility; one I couldn't ignore.
We arrived at Tom's mother's house and I stared up at it for a little bit. Gulping down my nervousness.
'Hey, she's a lovely lady. She's not going to hurt you' he laughed.
'I don't know her'
'But you know me and you know I wouldn't lie to you' he smiled and held out his hand. I took it and followed him to the door. Seconds after he rang the doorbell, his mum flew own the door and welcomed her beloved son into her arms.
She seemed a sweet lady, she had Toms freckles yet more noticeable. Her eyes were so similar and gave the same sense of purity as her son's. If she was tom's mother then surely she had to be lovely? But then again, she has raised four sons so she must be the kind of women that doesn't take no shit.
'And you must be y/n' she gave a warm smile straight at me and then gave me a hug. Instantly I felt welcome; I wasn't so scared anymore. 'Come in, everyone's here'
'Who's everyone?' Tom asked.
'Just immediate family'
'Mum, it seems our interpretations of immediate family tend to be a bit different'
'Oh calm down tom it's just your father and yours brothers.'
We were led into the living room and I was immediately approached by a boy with dark hair. His face was coated in freckles and he was slightly taller than tom. There was an undeniable similarity to him and tom's mom so there was no questioning wether this was tom's brother or not.
'Hi I'm Sam' he said with enthusiasm.
'You must be one of the twins' I smiled and he shook my hand.
'Indeed. I'm the handsome one'
'Oi!' Shouted a deep voice from the kitchen. In came a boy with bounds of auburn curls sprouting off of his head. He also has a fair share of freckles and a cute little button nose. Both of the twins seemed slightly taller than tom but then again that wasn't something difficult to accomplish.
'I'm not that ugly' he said.
'Uglier than me' Sam smiled.
'And what an insult that is' Sam's smile faded as he realised what the curly haired boy was Implying.
'I'm Harry' he smiled and went straight in for a hug. 'I'm the talented one'
'Debatable' said a higher voice from the sofa. He walked over to me and put his hand out to shake mine. He also had an undeniable relation to his mother as well as an even fairer share of freckles. His hair was closer to ginger than it was auburn very similar to his mother's. He was a lot younger and a bit smaller than the others but it was clear to see he will eventually be taller than tom, however as I said earlier, that's not that difficult.
'I'm paddy, the youngest yet the most intellectual' I shook his hand and smiled at him
'Whatever you say pads' I laughed as tom ruffled through his hair. Tom's father then approached me.
'I'm Dom' he smiled.
'Ah yes tom's told me a lot about you'
'He has?' He looked at tom in confusion. 'That's a first' tom smiled.
'He says your a very talented comedian'
'How nice of him, but where's the catch?' He raised his eyebrow
'He says that you'll always have a grudge against him for outshining him'
'Of course he did the little tossed' le' he playfully nudged him and tom laughed.
I spent the night getting to know each of the Hollands and I discovered that every one of them had this sense of purity. They seemed like the perfect family, something I yearned to have.
'Y/n?' tom's mother asked. 'May I talk to you for a second'
'Yes of course' I followed her I got the kitchen.
'Tom's been telling us a lot about you on text, you two seemed to have had a lot of fun together?'
'Yes we have, I've enjoyed every second of it'
'He also tells me you've got business to take care of?' My smile faded and concern spread across the women's faces
'He has?'
'Yes. I was wondering if everything was alright'
'Has he mentioned anything else'
'Just that you've had a tough life, I don't mean to indulge in your personal life, just to see if I could do anything to help.' He kindness startled me, but it wasn't enough for em to fully open up to her.
'In all honesty, the timing of me and tom meeting hasn't been the most convenient, and yes there is something I need to take care of. The reason tom hasn't left me is partly because of this reason and he was simply protecting me. I'm sorry I can't bring myself to tell you, I couldn't even tell tom at first but eventually I will.' I smiled and so did she.
'Well if you need anything from us as a family, you can ask y/n'
'I will, thank you' I smiled. We came back I tot eh living room and tom pulled me aside.
'Why don't we stay at my house for a while ok?'
I could tell her heard the conversation, I could tell he knew it had startled me. He knew that his family would ask questions that I was not ready to answer. It was best for us to stay at his house and have some privacy, at least until the trial at court is over. Whenever that may be.

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