Part 6

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'How was he different from me' he asked, curiously.
'He's tall, dark skin and quite a handsome face, looks wise he was near perfect but that's obviously not all that counts. He's selfish, rude and a despicable idiot' I said, rage beginning to pump through my veins.
'Is that what we're running from, him?'
'No no no, we broke up months ago' I said trying to play it cool. Part of me had that feeling of dread when someone confronts you yet the rest of me was warmed at the fact he said 'what WE'RE running from' not 'YOU'RE running from.'
'Oh, good'
'Why's that good?' I asked while smirking at him.
'Well I was hoping I'd be able to have you all to myself'
'Please, you barely even have me' I got up from the bed to go and get stuff to get changed into, then I looked back at his confused face, his body wrapped in the duvet.
'Yet' I winked.

After getting changed we checked out of the hotel and began walking down the street, tom desperately trying to hide his face from people which he surprisingly did very well.
'So we have 3 and a half hours until we have to get our train, What now?' He said while we walked together through the high street.
'I don't know, what do you want to do?'
'How much clothing did you bring'
'Enough to keep re-wearing through however long I'll be here'
'Not good enough' he said while dragging me into a nice ass shop. 'You pick, I'll buy' he winked.
'Tom this stuff's expensive'
'Well I want to treat you, after all you did let me stay with you last night and I want to show you that I really like you' he said purely, his dark eyes fixated on me. God he was cute.
'Well first of all, that's lovely of you, second of all, I'm a nice person and third of all, fancy clothes won't buy my love tom'
'No I don't mean it like that, I mean it as in why would someone spend this much money on someone they just want to shag and leave.' I burst out laughing.
'What an appropriate way to put it'
'Say it how it is' he laughed.
'Ok tom, but just to let you know I do have tendencies to get carried away.'
'Go ahead love' I smiled and began picking out things. We went from shop to shop until I nearly filled my suitcase I had brought and then we went and bought some stuff for tom too. I also chipped in on his stuff as I felt bad but then again I am paying for the hotels.
'So what now?' He said slurping on the milkshake we bought.
'Er...'  I scanned the area looking for something to give me an idea, we had 45 minutes to pass, then I locked my eyes on the London eye. Being alone in a tiny glass box high up in the air with the hottest man I have ever seen. Hey you don't have to ask me twice.
'That' I pointed up to it.
'Anything you want love.' love. I'm sorry but when he says it I still get butterflies in my stomach.

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