Part 1

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I put my earphones in and played 'physcodrama' by Dave. Being with Tyrone got me into all this grime and rap music but I didn't mind. My music taste was all over the place. From Dave to Ariana grande to the 1975. Oh well I liked it. An hour or so later the train stopped and I got off. I smelt the fresh air and saw a much happier place. I loved it already. I know this isn't going to be forever but right now I don't care. I'm focusing on the present. No looking back or forward, just now.

I made my way to the hotel and got into my room. It was huge. Like HUGE. A lovely bathroom, comfy bed, pretty lights and a balcony. I opened to windows and was greeted with fresh clean air, no cigars. I decided after this I deserved a coffee. I spotted a Starbucks from from the view of my balcony and spent the next 10 minutes trying to find it after leaving the hotel. Eventually, I did find it and sat down at a table. I put my bag down and just breathed for a minute, I had just been running around trying to find this place.

'Sorry to bother you but I believe you're in my seat love' said a charming voice. I turned around to be greeted with a beautiful man with soft brown curls sitting on his head, chocolate pools for eyes and he had a little grin on his face. His glowing skin contrasted with his dark hair and made his appearance even more breathtaking. Maybe I did need someone, just not another Tyrone.
'Oh I'm sorry, I'll move'
'No it's okay, unless you really want to' he raised his eyebrow at me. I really didn't want to move. Ever. As long as he stayed here of course.
'I'm actually quite comfortable'
'Good' he sat opposite and as he did I got a proper look at him. After gazing at his undeniably beautiful face it clicked.
'So what's your name?'
'Y/n, and you'
'Not gonna give me your last name?'
'You didn't give me yours'
'I'm not the famous one here' he blushed. After getting a proper look at him I knew exactly who he was. After all, you can't be that pretty and infamous.
'Damn you caught me'
'Well you are spider-man'
'I guess so. Does that change anything?'
'Not unless you want it to' he smiled. He was really cute when he smiled. Of course I cared that he was spider-man but I'd love to get to know him as a person and not just because he's probably one of the most attractive people I've ever seen.
'So where are you from'
'Enough about me I want to know about you' I said. I couldn't let him know to much. If i go on a bit I'll probably say too much, I can't risk anything getting out. I can't tell him about Tyrone, the drug money, the abuse or the fact I'm running. And I definitely can't tell him the fact I'm running for my own life. No matter how close we get.

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