Part 5

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'Y/n if you ended up getting hurt or even worse, dying, then I would never ever forgive myself for leaving you at this very moment' I blushed and looked down. For his own safety I wanted him to say no but for my benefit I wanted him to say yes and luckily, he did.
'So I will stay with you, I'll protect you from whatever the hell you're running from y/n, I promise' he smiled. He's so cute.
'Thank you tom'
'No worries love' he said, kissing me on the head. I know Tyrone is coming for me yet I didn't know if he knew where I was, but the risk of staying here and him finding me was too big to take.
'Tom we need to move and keep moving'
'Sure, where to next' I walked over to the bed and brought my laptop out of my suitcase.
'There is a hotel by the London eye and stuff we can stay there. It's far enough away from-' I paused.
'From what?' He looked up at me from the computer screen. I didn't make eye contact and stayed gazing at the screen. I couldn't tell him yet.
'What I'm running from'
'Will you ever tell me what it is?'
'Not anytime soon'
'Because I'm afraid you'll do something stupid and instead of running from it you'll try and face it head on and you can't do that tom. That's suicide.' He looked confused and concerned.
'Can you tell me anything?'
'It's a person'
'Anything else?
'Well can I know more about you?'
'Ok, well I'm 22 and I have a brother. His name's Nathan and I love him to pieces but I haven't seen him in 3 years. Same with my dad. I ran away too live with this guy called Tyrone here in London, I'm actually from Birmingham. My mom left us when I was 11 and when Nathan was 13, She never explained why. All we know is she isn't in this country anymore. My dad loved and cared for us both and we grew up as great people. I wish I hadn't run away in the first place, with Tyrone that is.'
'Hard life?' He asked.
'Hard to an extent you couldn't imagine'
'I'm so sorry y/n'
'Tom?' I laughed. 'it's not your fault'
'but your life seems like something out of a movie, I couldn't possibly imagine the pain you've been through'
'I haven't met many people that could' there was a pause.
'So what happened to you and Tyrone then?'
I felt my heart in my throat and my stomach began swirling. How the bloody hell was I going to get out of this one. Ooo I know.
'I'd rather not talk about that'
'Oh ok, sorry. I just wanted to see how similar he was to me' he laughed
'He was nothing like you, but I think that was my mistake' his eyes lit up.

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