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this is part two to the previous chapter. also, i added a table of contents to the beginning of this collection, check it out!


turns out that dating a florist is not all it cracks up to be.

the hours are strange and long, there always seems to be more plants in the house than food, and you're always at the risk of finding dirt on your clothes.

poor brett, all he wanted was one morning, just one, where he could wake up next to his boyfriend, warm in the taller man's embrace.

instead, when he woke up after spending the night with eddy, the bed would be empty and cold, and eddy was long gone, already at the flowershop to water the plants and open up for the day.

he'd drag himself out of bed with a grumble and walk into the kitchen to hear the soft static of the record player that eddy had left on for him. then, he'd pour himself a cup of coffee and leave for rehearsal, stopping at the flowershop on the way there.

other than having to wake up alone, life was good.

ever since that fateful night, where eddy had taken brett home and had him as he was, fancy and proper in his concert blacks, the two had begun to date.

now, the two would spend what little spare time they had together, with brett watching eddy work at the shop and eddy occasionally stopping by to watch a rehearsal.

and yet still, brett wanted nothing more than to find eddy still by his side when he woke.


every night that brett abandoned his apartment for eddy's house, he'd ask the florist the same question.

"do you have to go to work tomorrow?"

and with a resigned sigh, eddy would respond.

"yes, i have go to work tomorrow."

brett would give him a look that eddy could hardly stand to resist, and they'd fall asleep in silence.

until, one night, brett couldn't take it anymore.

"what're you doing tomorrow?" he asked, leaning over the kitchen counter as eddy tended to the succulents that lined the windowsill.

"working," eddy said matter-of-factly, knowing that the shorter already knew what his answer would be.

"i have the day off..." brett trailed off, waiting for eddy to take the hint.

"no rehearsal..."

"no concert..."

oblivious, eddy continued to rearrange his plants.


"hm?" eddy whipped his head around, still half-lost in his own little world.

"you should stay home tomorrow."


the answer was so quick and sure that it nearly gave brett whiplash.

"why not?" brett retaliated.

he didn't want to be so harsh, really, but he just wanted to spend time with his boyfriend, for god's sake! he hated sneaking kisses between rehearsals or late at night or before concerts when eddy would bring flowers for brett.

yes, he still did that, but now it was much harder to keep the gifts a secret.

regardless, the two had grown increasingly close in the past weeks and brett was beginning to dread his time away from eddy, and whether or not he was ready to come to terms with it, eddy was too.

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